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Leah's pov
It's been almost a week since what happened with Carla and trust me it's not been good. she's already been put on loan to Wolverhampton as phill was fed up of how she was treating his team and I've felt less confident and more anxious about what she said about her not being done being horrible to the team. Sometimes I try and think about why we became friends because she'd correct me on doing everything. But that's in the past now and I've been getting so much closer to all of the girls especially Jill,Viv,Dann and Jordan. I feel like I've got loads of big sisters with me all the time and they're trying to help me with my confidence.

Later in training
Jill and Jordan see Leah's not herself
Jordan: hey Leah how are you
Leah: could be better
Jill: oh what's up
*Leah sighs*
Leah: nothing
Jill: Leah we can tell theirs something wrong we've got to know you this past week and we've seen you when you're happy this isn't the happy smile we've been seeing
Leah: fine. This past week Carla's been sending me death threats and saying that I don't deserve to be in the team and that she hopes I get injured badly again.
Jordan: again?
Leah: I tore my ACL this time last year and almost wasn't able to play football again
Jill: ignore her you've got us
Leah: is this actually what it feels like to be the younger sibling?
Jill: younger sibling? Wow how young are you leah?
Leah: I'll be 18 in March
*Jill just looks at her speechless*
Jordan: how old are you Jill
*said jokingly*
*Jill mutters*
Jill: I'll be 24 in April
Jordan: sorry I didn't hear that
*jill punches her arm*
Jordan: ow!
Jill: anyway Leah how are you feeling about the game against Chelsea this weekend
Leah: not great
Jordan: it's ok little sis we've got you
*they all laugh at Jordan's comment*

The Saturday of the Chelsea game
Jordan's pov
It was the last 3 minutes of the game and the score was 1-1 I knew at this point I wanted Leah to score. I tackled the ball off of Fran Kirby and passed it to Leah and then I shout at her to score and the next thing I know the ball hit the back of the net. Leah runs to me and gives me a massive hug and says thanks for that Jord. The game finishes at 2-1 to us, As I entered the changing room I make my way to my seat across the room from Leah who was trying to hide what seemed to be a lion teddy.
Leah: hey jord you played well today
Jordan: thanks Leah and by the way there's no need to hide your lion from us, a few of us have teddies we hold onto before and after a game as we've been gifted them by family members or someone special to us
*she calls Viv over with her teddy bear flip*
Jordan: Viv has her teddy called flip that comes with her to every game where ever in the world she is.
*calls Katie over*
And Katie has a bunny called clover (I got creative with that name as you can tell 😂)
Leah: oh well in that case this is Lenny I got him from my dad before my first professional football game and he's been with me ever since
*said grabbing the teddy and giving it a squeeze*
And he's my best friend
*said with a smile*
Jordan: we'll it's very nice of you to join our team Lenny

A few days later
Leah's pov
I was planning on having an early night because I'm absolutely exhausted after our intense game against Liverpool at the weekend. I started my night off like I normally do by having a shower getting my pyjama on and having a nice cup of tea but the final thing I normally do is cuddle with Lenny but I start to panic when I can't find him. I virtually sprint downstairs into the living room where Anna and Lotte are happily watching tv, tears forming in my eyes, screaming "where is he!" Anna questioning
Anna: what's wrong? Where's who?
Leah: Lenny! I can't find him anywhere
Lotte: what do you mean you can't find him anywhere
*said giving Anna a look of concern*
Leah: he's gone missing I've looked everywhere Lots I can't find him
*she said with tears falling from her eyes*
( I do promise the next one will have no sad tears 😂)
Anna: where did you last see him?
*said trying to stay calm*
Leah: at Jordan and Beth's after the game against Liverpool
Anna: fucks sake Leah they live half an hour away
Lotte: Anna stop thinking about the distance, go and get changed and get Lenny right now you know Leah can't sleep without him
*said getting annoyed with Anna's complaining*
Leah: please Anna
*said with puppy dog eyes*
Anna: for gods sake fine!
*said through a giggle at Leah's facial expression*
Lotte: thanks

Hey everyone! I was wondering if you'd like me to do povs of other footballers that are associating with Leah and Jordan in the chapters so you can understand their feelings about the relationship between them and have their own little plot lines Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a wonderful day

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