Not long left

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Leah's pov
This is it. The final two weeks before my due date. I honestly can't believe how fast my pregnancy has felt. Throughout this journey I've discovered so much not only about my baby but lots about myself too. The past 38 weeks have been an up and down whirlwind of illness and emotions, and love and hate. But I knew at the end of it I'd have my baby girl to thank for it all. There's times in pregnancy when you want to curl up on the sofa and ball your eyes out, times when you feel you're not good enough to be a parent but there's also the times where when you remember that you have so much support and you feel so lucky and loved. These are the moments that motivate you to keep going and they are some of the best moments in the world.

About an hour later
Pov conversation between Leah and  Jordan
Leah- Jordy?
Jordan- what is it Lea?
Leah- can we decide on the babies name now? I'm fed up of just calling her princess or baby girl
Jordan- alright then I'll get my list
*she runs off and gets her phone with all her favourite names on it*
Leah- the first one on my list is poppy it's of Latin origin and means red flower
Jordan- I'm not too fond of it it's a bit too common. What do you think of Macy? it's of French origin and means weapon
Leah- that's my niece's name unfortunately but I really love the name.

About an hour later they've gone through loads of names
Leah- what about Calla it's of Greek origin and it means beauty
Jordan- Calla Nobbs. I think our princess has a name
Leah- No middle names?
Jordan- Calla Bethany June Nobbs. After our best friend and her amazing mum
Leah- aww I love Beth and her mum. She has the perfect name and middle names now all we have to do is wait for labour and meet our princess

A/n hello everyone i hope you loved the chapter!! this is honestly very unlike me to have 2 chapters up In one day (I know I'm amazing) the name I chose has a very personal connection to me as my gorgeous niece is called Calla and I just think it's a beautiful name! But i suppose I'm quite bias 😂♥️

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