Leaving for Duskwood

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I feel numb, useless, defeated. The attack on Richy was weighing heavy on my shoulders, my friends are getting picked off, one by one like lambs to slaughter, while I sit here in the comfort of my apartment. I can't do this anymore, sitting on my bed I grab a pillow screaming loudly into it, hoping for some kind of release, as tears stream down my face, "you're better than this, Do something!!!" I shout! Realising in that moment what needs to be done.

I go to my wardrobe grabbing my black ripped jeans, and white top. I get dressed, grab a small Blue suitcase from under my bed and start packing, throwing clothes, toiletries and other essentials I'll need into it, not knowing how long my stay will be. I reach down to grab my charger, breaking it as the wire is wrapped round the leg of my small bedside table, "Fuuuuuuck! I scream throwing the plug across the room, well if it wasn't broken it sure is now. I feel the heat rising in my body, reaching boiling point, I take a second to calm myself "BREATH just Breath, it's just a charger, you can replace it when you arrive". I pack the last few items into my suitcase, which looks like its been packed by a toddler, and wheel it into the hallway. I put on my black Dr Martens boots, throw on my grey hoodie and leather jacket, and head to the kitchen, putting my hair in a messy bun to keep it out my face. I open the fridge grabbing a water, and collect my bag off the kitchen side, I should really invest in a new one, this poor old thing is falling apart. Attached to my bag, I frantically press my key finder remote, which I have to use more often than not. I follow the sound into the bathroom " of course the bathroom floor, hidden under towels, seems the perfect place to leave keys". Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I grab my luggage and head out the door shutting it behind me. I head downstairs and out to my car, the cold air hits me making me gasp slightly, I place my bag in the boot, and head to the drivers side, getting comfortable I adjust my seat and mirrors, and pop the motel address into the sat nav. 3 hours 15 minutes to Duskwood.

I grab my phone to reply to any messages, I don't want to raise and suspicions, especially with Jake, he could track me in a heartbeat, I hate that I am breaking the only promise I made to him, but I cannot and will not sit idly by anymore.

2 New Messages

Jessy: Hey Mc, do you really think Richy is.... um, well you know?!

My heart breaks for her, i know she can't face saying the word out loud, she's such a sweet caring person, and I hate that I can't be there to comfort her. She's become my best friend, her pain is making my heart feel heavy.

MC: Oh Jessy, I honestly do not know, but I think we should just assume for now that he is with Hannah and we will find them both safe, just hold on a little longer ok? I wish I was there with you.

Jessy: Thank you Mc, I wish you were too, but it's too dangerous for you, you know that, so stay put please.

I sign loudly rubbing my face in my hands, knowing that the decision I have already made will disappoint everyone. But I can't back out now. I need to start addressing things head on.

MC: I know Jessy, you guys keep safe, I have a few things to do, I'll talk to you later OK?

Jessy: Thank you Mc... you know for everything. We're all safe here at the cabin for now, so please don't worry, I'll keep searching the files from the garage. Later Mc Holmes.

MC: Haha laters Jessy Watson.

I open the second message with a smile on my face, his name instantly gives me butterflies, he's my safety, my home.

Jake: Mc I need to ask, do you really think Micheal Hanson is our culprit? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

He's so matter of fact, I don't think he understands how adorable he is. But I need to keep this short, I need to hit the road.

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