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Jakes POV

We reach the Aurora and head inside, I feel afflicted by my own torment, trying to process everything that has happened, why didn't i stay with her, I could of saved her, she would be here in my arms if I had just listened to her concerns, and now it is all to late!  The group have been eagerly awaiting our return, they rush over to us, all talking at once, staring at me for answers but I can not speak I can not think of anyone but MC and how I have let her down.

Thomas: Where is Hannah? Is she OK? Is she safe?

Lilly: Where's my sister Jake?

Jessy : Please talk to us, did you get them out safely? Is Richy OK?

Dan: Jake man, talk to us please.

Cleo: Guys just give him a chance to breath.

Alex: Just give him a minute, he's having a hard time, we found Hannah and Richy, Alan has taken care of Hannah but she is In a bad way, they had both been shot by the time we got there.

Jessy: And Richy?

Alex: I'm so sorry Jessy he didn't make it.

Jessy: No please! No it can't be! I never got to tell him that I love him!

Thomas: I am sorry guys i have to go to Hannah, if anyone else wants to come, then grab your things.

Phil: Alex where is MC? Why has she not come back?

Alex: The whole thing was a set up Phil, Ulric knew Jake would never let MC down to the mines, and he knew he would take her place, he even called the FBI, they were waiting for Jake, and that's when he took his opportunity to get MC, I am sorry Phil but she's gone, he killed her.

Phil: What!! No that can't be right! She can't be gone, I said I would protect her! I don't believe it, I can't believe it, Alex tell me it's not true!!!

Jessy: No no no no!! It can't be!! Why didn't I stay with her!!

Phil's words make me realise that he really did have strong feelings for MC, normally I would hate him for that, but I can't help but feel sorry for him, because we have both lost the woman we love. Most of the group are hysterically crying at the news, Thomas, Lilly, Cleo and Dan leave to head to the hospital to be with Hannah, while the rest of us stay, consumed by our own grief. I can't get my head around the fact I'll never see MC again, I don't know how I can possibly go on without her. I head away from the group, I just need to be alone, I pull my phone out to call MC, of course I know she won't answer but I can't help myself, I let it ring until it goes to voicemail so just I can hear her voice, but the sound breaks me, completely and utterly breaks me, she really is gone, the only woman I have ever loved is gone and I will never get to see her again. Phil appears and takes a seat next to me, placing his head in his hands.

Phil: I'm so sorry Jake, she was an amazing woman, she didn't deserve any of this.

Jake: You loved her too didn't you?

He pauses before answering my question, tears start to roll down his face and I can see the pain in his eyes, he's heartbroken.

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