It really is you.

937 40 3

I glare at the words for what feels like an eternity, examining every inch of the paper to see if I've missed something, anything. The words are burnt into my brain as if branded there never to be forgotten. Pacing the room I try to come up with some logical reasoning behind these words. I stop infront of the large bay window, that looks out into the forest, it is stunningly beautiful, but also very haunting, as if there is a thousand lost souls in there Hannah being one of them, and Richy....... "RICHY OF COURSE" I shout, my eyes widening as a thought hits me like an almighty slap to the face, if it wasn't for Richy I never would of even heard about the Dare house, never even seen it, never know it existed. Could this letter really be from him, is he trying to help me somehow! I start thinking back to what Mrs Walters had said about the letter being handed to her 3 days ago, the same day as the attack on Richy. Could it be that it was his last chance to get in contact with me, but why not text! Maybe it was too unsafe to text, my mind is racing a thousand miles a minute, I have to take into consideration the possibility that this is not Richy but a trap, but if it is him can I really afford not to find out whats in there. Being totally alone is really not the ideal Situation right now.

I quickly freshen up and head downstairs to settle up with Mrs Walters, her bright gleaming smile helps relax me, and calm my thoughts, for now anyway.

MC: Hello Mrs Walters. I just wanted to pay in advance for the rest of the week, also I wanted to thank you for your kindness earlier, I really appreciate it.

She smiles at me, taking my hand in between both of hers, looking into to eyes, her face softens, and she says.

Mrs Walters: No need to thank me dear, are you feeling better now, I hope you got some rest.

MC: Yes, much better thank you.

With that we walk to her desk, and I pay her for the week. She's very motherly, I miss having that comfort in my life, I have been alone for so long now, but I think of Jake and the group and feel more grateful than ever to have them in my life, despite the current circumstances.

MC: Do you happen to know anything about an old cabin in the woods, I have heard it being referred to as the Dare house.

Mrs Walters: Oh yes, I know it, the place has been empty for quite some time now. The children around here use to knock on the door as a Dare I believe. I use to see them come back white as a sheet. Come, follow me.

She walks out in front of me, leading me out to the front of the motel, and points across the street, to a gap in between a florist and newsagents, I can just see the forest edge through the gap.

Mrs Walters: You see that path, its slightly overgrown now, but it leads you straight to the house. But forgive me for asking but may I ask why?

MC: Curiosity I guess, a friend had told me about it, so I thought I would see if you knew anything.

Mrs Walters: Well ever since the death of poor Jennifer 10 years ago, and the more recent death of young Amy, people avoid the forest now, which I am sure you can understand, the bodies were found in the same place just 10 years apart would you believe.

MC: Yes I had heard about that, very sad, both had so much life left to live, thank you Mrs Walters for everything.

Mrs Walters: You stay safe now dear.

With that she turns around to head back inside, I decide to talk a walk, I set off down the street, taking a deep breath in, filling my lungs with the fresh crisp air, I admire the buildings and scenery, taking in all its beauty.
I pop into the rainbow cafe, grab a black coffee, taking a seat outside at a small ivy coloured table, watching the people as they pass. I check the group chat, they have sent a few pictures they look relaxed, Lord knows they deserve a break, I wish I could be with them, I was about to text Jake when I hear a man's voice, "Oh shit it's you, it really is you" I look up from my phone and recognise the man in an instant, his long dark brown hair flowing freely around it face, while he takes a hand pushing it back behind his ear, his neck tattoo even more prominent against his white t shirt. I must admit he is very good looking.

MC: Hey Phil, how are you?

Phil: Well all the better for seeing you, I must say you're even more beautiful in the flesh.

His words make me blush, he see's this and smirks, I place my phone down and direct my eyes at the seat opposite me, which he glady takes, he sits and orders himself a coffee, we make small talk while we drink, then he looks me directly in the eyes.

Phil: So enough small talk, what brings you here, my good looks and charm or something else?

MC: Ah something else I am afraid, I just have a few thing's to take care of, but speaking of my being here, can I ask a favour of you.

Phil: Oh I'm wounded, you've just broke a poor man's heart, but of course you can I'm all ears.

MC: Sorry to disappoint, I am sure there's many other women who could fix your broken heart.

Phil:  None quite like you. So this favour?

MC: Could you please not tell anyone of my being here, I haven't told them and I know they definitely would not approve.

Phil: Don't worry your secret is safe with me, but for one I am glad you're here. So you haven't even told the boyfriend?

MC: He is not my boyfriend Phil, but I made him a promise, so I'd rather keep this just between you and i.

Phil:  Ah so I'm your dirty little secret.

He gazes into my eyes, resting his chin on the palm of his hand, with a cheeky grin on his face.

MC: So you seem strong and brave, fancy a walk?

Phil: Well I'm glad you noticed, how could I say no to such a lady, I have 40 minutes before I have to open the bar is that enough time?

MC: Yes plenty, I want to go to the Dare house.

Phil: Why do you want to go there,? There's nothing there.

MC: Oh it's just something I'm looking into, but if you're scared...

He cuts me off leaning across the table, to close the gap between us, chuckling at my comment.

Phil: Hey I'm not scared, far from it, but I have a proposal for you, I'll come with you and keep your little secret, only if you come to the bar for a drink tonight.

MC: Deal, so shall we?

Phil stands and walks over to me, reaching his hand out, I take it rising from my chair, he places a kiss on my hand and releases it, we start walking.  I put my hand in my bag, ever since the text from Thomas I have carried a small pocket knife and screwdriver, because...well you never know. We reach the edge of the forest and I feel uneasy, I stop to look at Phil  he mimics my movements.

MC: Look Phil, the reason I am doing this is because I received a letter, that I believe is from Richy and might help us find Hannah, but standing here now I am not so sure, it could be a trap and I could be dragging you into danger, I am sorry. You should go.

Phil places his hands on my shoulders not breaking eye contact for a second.

Phil: Right, listen to me, I'm not stupid,I know you my sister and the others are caught up in some messed up shit, I agreed to come because, danger seems to follow you all around, what man would I be letting you go alone. Despite what people think, I love my sister and if there's a small chance I can help her out of whatever trouble is going on, then I will do it in a heartbeat, and I'm also quite fond of you, so let's go.

I hug him, as a thank you, he wraps his arms around me bringing me in close, then we release each other, I hand him the pocket knife just incase. He takes it then takes my hand and we start walking into the forest. It is now or never.

I uploaded chapter 3 last night, but was not happy with it, so apologies to anyone that had already read it, but I just have a few tweaks to make, and will hopefully have it to you by this evening, if not it will be tomorrow. Hope you're all enjoying it so far. 😊

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