The group.

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Alex takes us inside to meet everybody, the atmosphere is tense and unnerving. We walk over to the table where the group are seated, both Jessy and Lilly rush up to embrace me, I hold them tight just so pleased that they are all safe, Cleo comes next and then I make my way to Dan so he doesn't need to manoeuvre his wheelchair, it is like hugging a big bear, they are all so pleased to see me, although slightly angry that i am here putting myself in danger, but I know they would do the same. Thomas however doesn't look at me, he doesn't even acknowledge my existence, I'm definitely eager to get to the bottom of that, but all in due time I guess, we have much more important things to worry about. I introduce the group to Jake they are all very pleasant towards him but Dan I can see still has his suspicions, then Lilly gives Jake an hug, he reciprocated but it's easy to see how awkward they both feel, as they have not properly spoken since Jake told lilly he is her half brother. "It will get easier, just give it time" I say to them both, both giving me a shy smile, we all get seated at the table when Phil comes over to take drink orders before we get into details. By my surprise Jake offers to help him, I have no idea if this is good or bad but I trust him so I leave them to it. Alex takes Jake's seat next to me while he's gone, he looks worried but also angry.

Alex: Hey so are you OK? I'm sorry about taking your car and leaving earlier, but you know why now.

MC: It's fine Alex honestly, I guess that's what you and Phil were whispering about. I'm fine but the atmosphere and your expression are starting too worry me, you said we have a big problem Alex, what is it?

Alex: let's just wait for Jake and Phil and we'll explain everything, and I suggest you do the same if you have any new information.

With that he stands and moves back to his seat. I assume he's referring to mine and Phil's little trip to the forest. I glance over at Jake and Phil, I can't see any blood and no punches have been thrown so I guess their chat has been a successful one, they finish up talking and join us back at the table, as they hand out the drinks, Jake takes the seat next to me giving me a subtle smile, which let's me know everything Is ok between him and Phil.

MC: So guys don't keep us in the dark any longer, you're making me worry enough as it is.

Dan: Right straight to it then, so long story short crowman managed to get into the house, thanks to Tommyboy leaving his post, he grabbed Jessy and was shaking her and yelling something, but she'll have to tell you what that was, and then that's when I shot him in the arm and he fled. Told you I'd protect them didn't I.

Maybe that's why Thomas is avoiding eye contact with everyone, sometimes this kid is an absolute helmet! honestly, like things are not hard enough.

MC: So doesn't that give us the advantage if he's wounded??

Dan: Umm... well no not exactly. Jessy do you want to take over?

Jessy: Sure Dan, So when the attacker grabbed me, he started yelling and I remember the exact words clearly, he said " Bring MC to Duskwood if you want to save Hannah and yourselves, they will kill anyone to get to her" he was trying to scare us and it worked. I'm so sorry MC, it's even more dangerous than we thought for you to be here.

I can feel the groups eyes on me, but I don't look at anyone, this doesn't feel right.

Lilly: MC are you OK?

MC: No that doesn't make sense!

Cleo: look I know you're scared we all are but..

MC: No Cleo that's not what I mean. So the attacker said "they" which is telling us there are at least 2 more culprits other than the attacker himself, telling us that information only benefits us, not the culprits. I don't believe he was trying to scare you Jessy I think he was trying to warn you.

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