Those Words!

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MC: Alan I am so sorry! Micheal was your friend and I killed him...I....I...

I can't control my sobbing long enough to get my words out, and I can't bare to look at the group, not after what I have just done. I AM A MONSTER!! The image of Micheal pleading with me to save his life plays over and over again in my head, breaking my heart time and time again, not only did I wrongfully think the poor man played a part in all of this, I then sentenced him to his death!!

Jake: Guys can you all just give me a minute with MC please.

I hear the group disperse heading away from me, the sobs from the girls are fading, then Jake appears putting his hands on the arms of my chair pulling me around to face him, as he lowers himself down onto his knees, he takes my hand in one of his and with the other he gently cups my face, wiping away tears with his thumb, but all I can think is how I don't deserve his touch.

Jake: Look at me MC please just look at me.

I glance up, looking into his eyes that are filled with tears, I hate to see him like this, knowing I am the cause of his sadness, I should of let him go when he wanted to leave, i don't deserve this man, not now, not ever.

Jake: MC Michael's death was not your fault, that psycho was going to do it anyway, he just wanted you to feel the guilt and pain of it all, he's trying to weaken you MC. You are the strongest, bravest and smartest woman I know, and i adore you. I am so proud of you and how you handled the situation, but I can not let you hand yourself over to that man, I can not lose you!

Tears start to roll down Jake's face at the thought of losing me, seeing him break like this makes me sob even more, but I know I have to do the right thing.

MC: I have to Jake or we all die! I've just killed one man I can not kill anyone else!

Jake: No it's not happening! We will find a way. I am not letting you go MC, I will never let you go, I promised I would keep you safe and I am willing to do what ever that takes.

MC: Jake I....

Jake: No MC I don't want to hear it. You need to know my life means nothing if you are not in it, because I LOVE YOU! I've loved you from the beginning and I'll love you until the end. You're not going, I can not say goodbye to you!

I throw my arms around him and we both sink too the floor, embracing eachother as tight as we can, I never thought I would hear him speak those words to me, especially not now, but I have never needed to hear it more than right in this moment, he said the words with such conviction that it sparks at my will to fight more than ever before. I want a life with this man, even if it is In the shadows. I pull back and cup his face with both hands, not taking my eyes from his, not even for a second.

MC: I love you too Jake, I love you now and I'll love you always. You are and always will be my entire life.

He kisses me with such passion and intensity, like it is the last time he will ever do so. Losing him is not an option! We get to our feet and Alan and the others make there way back over too us, the group take it in turns to embrace me and reassure me that Michael's death was not my fault, I really wish I felt the same on the matter. Alan approaches me his expression softens and he places his hand on my shoulder.

Alan: I am sorry you had to be witness to that, but please do not apologise to me for Michael's death, you are not to blame. I have contacted my men and they are currently searching for Ulric. Now I understand that this is going to be hard but I am going to need you to tell me any details you saw in that video that could help us locate their whereabouts. Do you think you can do that?

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