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I wake the following morning, with the nightmares of the previous night still playing vividly on my mind, bringing me to the realisation that this hell is far from over, I make my way out of bed rubbing my eyes with such vigour in the hopes of ridding the image of the MWAF from my thoughts, if only for a short while. I catch myself in the mirror wondering what I could have possibly done that is so terrible it warrants me paying with my life, I don't know what it is but I know I have to find out and quickly, knowing my fate and the fate of all whom I care about rests in my hands, it's not a time to dwell on things, it's time for action! I head to the shower washing away any self doubt clouding my judgment. The sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach being replaced as a fire ignites in my body, coursing through my veins, I am ready to fight, I will do whatever it takes to save them all! Feeling invigorated I head to the bedroom and start to get ready, putting on my matching black lace underwear, I search the drawers for some jeans when there's a knock on the door "it's just me MC" Jake's voice says softly, so I let him in, he closes the door behind him, leaning against it he bites on his clenched fist, eyeing my semi naked body.

MC: Are you ok Jake?

Jake: No! You're killing me here! Damn you're sensational.

I give him a sensual smile while I pull my jeans out of the drawer.

MC: Come on now Jake pick your jaw up, we've got alot to do today.

He laughs and briskly walks over to me picking me up, I wrap my legs around his waist, his hands sliding down to my bum, his eyes filled with sexual desire as he presses his lips to mine devouring me with all that he has, I bite down gently on his lower lip making him groan with pleasure into my mouth, as I can feel his arousal growing beneath me, he stops to look at me, soaking me all in.

Jake: MC what are you doing to me!

MC: This is all you, I was just trying to get dressed.

Jake: Couldn't of done that before answering the door no!

MC: Did no one ever tell you its rude to keep people waiting.

He chuckles and rests his head against  mine.

Jake: You are perfection you know! And I am telling you now once I know you are safe, we are getting rid of all of this sexual tension, because as you can see i can't resist you for much longer.

MC: Are you threatening me with a good time?!

He smiles broadly and places one last sensual kiss on my lips as he lowers me down. He heads to his room proping the door open, and returns.

Jake: Here take my key and once you are ready come to my room, I'm just going to shower.

With that he eyes me one last time and leaves, so I slide my light denim jeans On and a white baggy crop top, partially showing my toned midriff. I place my hair in a bun and apply a small amount of makeup. I pick up my phone to call Alan and he answers almost immediately, taking me by surprise, he seems pleased to hear from me, if not also slightly annoyed that I have ignored him up until now, which I can completely understand. He agrees to meet with me on one condition, that he meets with all of us, he assures me that he has no interest in Jake, and it is purely for the purpose of finding Hannah and Richy, but that's not a decision I can make alone, so I tell him I'll speak to the group and get back to him, he agrees and hangs up. I put on my boots, grab my bag and head to Jake's room, I can hear him in the shower, so I sit on the edge of the bed and text the group, letting them know Alan's terms of meeting, in that moment Jake appears wearing nothing but a towel, his wet hair falling effortlessly into his face, with the water gliding down his toned body glistening over his abs, my lord this man is insatiable, I bite on my lip and fall backwards onto the bed burying my head in a nearby pillow.

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