Chapter 2

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Sorry for the time skip

3 months later


Well now it is February when it was time for the holidays we went home at his parents house Nkosiyabo was rude to me throughout the holidays and I didn't enjoy my December that much waze wangizonda umuntu yho I tried tolerating him but it was too much and I had to leave earlier than I had planned I don't know what I did to him

I just knocked off at work it is so hot even though it is getting late I get in my car and drive home but not before going to spur to order some food because I'm so tired I don't think I will be able to cook as I get home I find a car in the driveway it is a lamborghini Urus I guess Nathi has a guest

I park my car and go inside the house as I get in I place the food in the kitchen and go in the living room as I hear voices coming that side as I walk in the living room I find non other than Nkosiyabo Cele his brother ohh God  my day was not so good and now I have to face Nkosiyabo


I walk over to Nathi and give him a kiss

Him:hey baby

Nkosiyabo just ignores me

Me:sawubona bhuti

He looks at me with a bored expression


Yho what is he doing here anyway

Nathi:what do you want to eat baby so that I can order some food I'm sure you are tired

Me:there's no need baby I got some takeaways from spur

Nathi:Okay thank you baby I'm so hungry

Me:Okay let me dish up for you

I look at Nkosiyabo

Me:bhuti can I dish up for you I bought more than enough

He glares at me and clicks his tongue

Nkosi:ma ungibhekile ubona ngathi ngilambile(do I look hungry to you?)

Nathi:bhuti hayi marn musa ukukhuluma nomkami kanjalo

He stands up and gives Nathi a brotherly hug and leaves I look at Nathi with tears in my eyes Nathi walks over to me and gives me a tight hug and kisses my forehead

Me:why is he like this what did I do to him

He sighs

Him:forget about him baby it doesn't matter if he likes you or not it doesn't change the fact that you are my wife and that I love you okay

I nod my head

Me:Okay let me go dish up for you

As I walk towards the kitchen I start felling nauseous and feel like throwing up I rush to the bathroom and start throwing up this has been happening for the past 2 weeks I have procrastinating about going to the doctor but I think it is time to go check what's wrong with me

Nathi:Baby are you okay??

Me:yes I'm okay

Nathi:you really need to go to the doctor babe

Me:Okay Nkosinathi I will go tomorrow ke!!

I snap at him

Nathi:I'm worried about your health so drop the attitude...I will dish up for you just freshen up and wait for me in bed

He walks out I sigh I didn't mean to snap at him it's just that my hormones are all over the place these days one minute I'm happy the next I'm sad or angry

I freshen up and go into bed and wait for Nathi just in cue he walks in and gives me my food

Me:Ndosi ngiyaxolisa sthandwa sam I didn't mean to snap at you I-I just don't know what's going on with me these days I'm sorry

He sighs

Him:it's okay baby just promise me you will go to the doctor tomorrow

I smile

Me:I promise baby

He gives me a kiss  once we are finished with eating he takes my plate and goes to put the plates in the kitchen after a while he comes back and gets in bed and cuddles with me

Me:goodnight I love you

Him:goodnight baby I love you too


The following day

Today I decided not to go to work because I was not fit enough to go to work today I'm having my breakfast now I will be going out soon to go the doctor

Time skip(at the doctor)

I am in the waiting room just then the nurse calls my name

Nurse:Umingentando Cele

I stand up and go into the doctor's room and Dr Mhlongo walks in she is my favorite doctor

Her:Mrs Cele

Me:Dr Mhlongo

Her:so what brings you here??you don't look sick

Me:well I am sick...I have been throwing up for the past 2 weeks I don't know what is going with me

Her:can you please go pee in this cup

I take it and go and pee I come back and I give her the cup

After a few minutes she smiles at me

Me:well what is wrong with me

Her:there's nothing wrong with you

I raise an eyebrow

Me:what do you mean

Her:you are 2 months pregnant


Her:you are pregnant ntombi congratulations

I squeal and I hug her

Me:my husband is going to be so happy

Her:I bet he do you want to do an ultrasound??

Me:no not now I want to do it when he is with me

Her:okay I understand

We finish up and I go home smiling and I start cooking his favorite so that I can tell him over dinner

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