Chapter 3

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I set up the table and dish up the food and I hear the front door opening and closing and I know its my husband I smile I can't wait to tell him the news I walk out the kitchen and put the plates down and Nathi walks over to me and gives me a kiss he looks like he had a long day I take his lunchbag and laptop bag and put it in the living room He sits down and I follow after him we say the grace and start digging in

Me:how was your day baby

He looks up at me and smiles

Him:tiring there was an accident and many people got injured so it was quite busy was yours??

Me:except for the throwing up it was great baby

Him:really??how was the doctor's appointment did you find out what's wrong with you??

He looks at me with concern I smile

Me:that's what was amazing baby nothing is wrong with me

He frowns

Him:what do you mean??

Me:I am pregnant baby

I tell him while giving him the envelope that consists of the letter that confirms my pregnancy....he opens it and he looks through it and smiles he stands up pulling me up with him and attacks me with a hug

Him:thank you so much baby

He kisses and I respond

Me:are you happy??

Him:I'm beyond happy my says you are two months pregnant didn't you suspect it??

Me:no baby I didn't even think about pregnancy because we only started trying for a baby recently

He looks at me with so much love

Him:I love you baby thank you for this

I smile at him

Me:I love you too sthandwa sam you are going to be a good father I can't wait for the baby to be here

He kneels down to my flat tummy and kisses it

Him:I can't wait for you to arrive my boy

Me:so you want a boy??

Him:yes don't you??

He stands up with his hand on my tummy

Me:I want a boy also a mini handsome Nathi

He chuckles we sit down and finish up eating after that we wash the dishes and go upstairs to sleep not without him brushing my tummy every five minutes he is so happy

Me:my mom will be so happy to know that she is going to be a grandmother again and your mother also

He chuckles

Him:they have been asking us when we are going to make them grandmothers now that they will be happy to know that we have a baby on the way

I start feeling sleepy


He chuckles

Him:goodnight my love

He says kissing my forehead with his hand on my tummy


3 months later

When we told our parents they were so happy even our siblings were happy I don't know about Nkosiyabo because I wasn't there when Nathi told him but with the way he hates me I'm sure he wasn't happy but I don't care wethu I am now 5 months pregnant I have gained weight but it doesn't matter as long as at the end I will be holding my baby

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