○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○How can Menzi do this to me I have been nothing but a good wife to this man I have been faithful and by his side all these years but he has an affair for 34 years and now all of a sudden wants to marry Bongeka Ntuli out of all people she's not even classy why would he go for someone like her I'm way much better than her
Menzi walks in and closes the door behind him the kids left a while ago this came as a shocker to all of us I walk over towards him
Me:you son of a bitch how can you do this to me
I slap him
Me:Bongeka out of all people Menzi you chose that classless bitch I have been there for you I have done everything for you I have been by your side all these years so you have been cheating on me for 34 years out of the 40 years we have been together
Him:Nomaswazi please don't yell at me let's sit down and talk
Him:ngithe hlala phantsi
He says sternly looking at me with a glare I sit down he sits down too
Him:to make things clear I haven't been cheating all throughout the 34 years years my relationship with Bongi was on and off and after we had Sethu we broke up and we got back together a year ago you and I haven't been happy well I haven't been happy because if we are honestly speaking Nomaswazi you have changed you were once a sweet humble,ambitious woman now you have turned into a snob you are rude,full of yourself,judgemental and very disrespectful you don't think before you speak you just open your mouth and blurt out any nonsense when I approached you and you asked me what I wanted in a woman I told you that give me respect and loyalty we good however you know that I am not a person that looks down on others I don't throw the money I have in other people's face wena all you do is shop all day it's been years since I last ate food cooked by my wife I always have to eat food cooked by other people uyangidelela all the time you make it hard for me to look forward to coming home
I just keep quiet for a while because I didn't know this is how my husband felt
Me:so this is why you decided to cheat Menzi??you are a bastard a coward that's what you are because you failed to sit down and talk to me about this so you went and got that bitch pregnant twice
He sighs
Him:do you see what I am talking about uyangithuka manje Nomaswazi and mina ngikhathele uwena isthembu ngiyasithatha uthanda ungathandi ngisakthanda hlala ukwazi loko kodwa ngisasithatha isthembu
He takes his clothes off and gets in bed and switches his bedside lamp this whole thing will make me seem as if a I failed as a wife what will all the other housewives say this is embarrassing
The following day
○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○Today I am having lunch with the girls which is Noluthando,Lulama,Nandi and Nkanyezi after the club incident I had to explain to them that I am married what happened but I left out the part that Nkosi hit me that night I don't want to talk about that night at all
Right now I am getting ready for the lunch Nkosi is going to go fetch the kids while I am with the girls I am wearing white long sleeved body hugging dress it has a little opening on the sides which makes me unable to wear it with an underwear I also have white stilettos
Nkosi:babe did you-.....
He walks in and when he looks at me he stops what he was doing
Him:where are you going wearing that??
I chuckle
Me:to the lunch with the ladies babe don't be silly I already told you
He gives me a straight face
Him:that thing you are wearing is revealing take it off
My smile fades
Me:but babe this dress is almost by my knees
Him:the sides are open and I can see that you are not wearing any fucking underwear Umingentando
Me:babe come on I love this dress and it hugs my body perfectly
Him:it looks good on you but there's no way you are leaving this house with that on take it off NOW!!
Me:but ba-....
Him:take it off don't test my patience
Me:I have nothing else to wear
Him:I will help you look for something to wear woza
He pulls me by my hand heading to the walk in closet
Him:bheka la ziningi kabi iimpahla onazo and then you tell me you don't have anything to wear
Me:Nkosi you are being unfair
He glares at me
Me:Okay fine
I choose a nude body hugging dress along with nude stilettos this one is covering everything except for my back it it a open back dress
Him:this looks perfect umuhle sthandwa sami ngiyakthanda yezwa
Me:mxm nam ndiyakthanda
He smiles
Him:I love it when you switch to IsiXhosa
Me:bye I should leave you have delayed me already
I lean up to kiss him he pulls me closer and deepens the kiss
Him:have fun ke

General FictionThis story is about a married woman who is happily married with her husband however things take a turn and the husband passes away and the woman is now "forced" to marry his older brother who has never liked her