Chapter 20

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We finally landed it's like the flight took too long sana it is a beautiful I was so embarrassed after bhut'Nkosi told me where to get off I didn't expect him to defend her like that I really never liked Umi because she always looked like she is ull of herself and thinks she is better than us the other Cele daughter in laws Nothemba couldn't even be by my side I thought we are friends she is just busy clinging onto Sthe as a lovesick puppy nxa

Right now I just finished unpacking my clothes seems like we will be staying here for a very long time this family is really rich this place is so lavish and you can see that it costs a lot sana and I love the guest house my in laws chose it is amazing

As I am unpacking my clothes Thembinkosi walks in and he looks angry

Thembinkosi:what was that nonsense you pulled earlier

Me:it's not nonsense

Thembinkosi:why the fuck were you shouting at Umi she didn't do anything to you
Me:you weak bastard you failed to tell me that even Umi didn't know about your affair with that bitch

Him:don't you dare call her that

My eyes start tearing up

Me:how can you defend her like that I am your wife you don't consider my feelings Thembinkosi you have been cheating on me for a year with some slut what am I lacking that she has I have done nothing but be a good wife to you I cook,clean,give you sex I literally do everything now you want another wife I can't allow that you are going to embarrasse me what will people say Thembinkosi what will I tell my parents my friends will laugh at me you are making me seem like I am failing as a wife

He walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders his facial expression softens

Him:Nolu ngiyakthanda sthandwa never doubt that you are not lacking anything I am sorry for hurting you I know if roles were reversed I wouldn't like this.....please stop thinking about other people that's my only problem with you,you always do things for people not to mention that you are always looking down on other people and you are always judging people ngiyakcela sthandwa sam let me take Nandi as my second wife I will always have time for you I will make sure you don't feel neglected

Me:do you love her more than me??

He shakes his head no

Him:I love you guys equally sthandwa sam and I will treat you equally my live please

Me:can I think about it

He smiles

Him:that's all I am asking for sthandwa sam I would also like it if you apologize to Umi properly she didn't know about this I know I was a coward by not telling you that I am the one who pursued Nandi without Umi nor my brothers knowing

I sigh

Me:Okay fine I will go and apologize


○《NOMASWAZI (Nkosi's mother)》○

I am so happy that my husband thought about this family vacation he is really a family oriented man he values family time nothing will ruin this vacation thankfully because if I allowed Thembinkosi to bring that thing he wants to make a wife there would be drama because Noluthando wouldn't appreciate it at all yaz

Umi on the hand has been distant I though we were getting along I mean I took her like my daughter I don't understand why she is distant and avoids being in the same room as me anyway I am glad that she is working on her marriage with Nkosi I did good by arranging this marriage my son looks happy with her And I am happy they gave me more grandchildren

I just finished unpacking our clothes my husband is busy with a call right now I hate that about him he is always on the phone and it's always business and lately things have not been great between us because he is always busy I thought since Nkosi is almost taking over now that he would have time for me as his wife He is always on his phone smiling I don't want to believe that he is cheating on me I mean he wouldn't do that right??

He enters the room as he concludes his call he was on the balcony answering it

Me:baba this nonsense should stop!!

I am pissed right now he frowns

Him:ukhuluma ngani manje??

Me:these calls marn I am sick and tired of them it is family time and wena ubusy with this nonsense of yours busy with calls please don't piss me off tuu this better be the last time answering that fucken phone and if you even think about cheating on me uzongazi kahle ungazongi jwayela kabi mina nxa you son of a bitch

Within seconds I am against the wall and he has his hand on my neck but not too tight and he is not hurting me

Him:angazi ukuthi ucabanga ukhuluma nabani watch how you talk to me I am not your friend so please don't piss me off these calls I am making are business calls they are for you to continue having all these luxury things you like angithi you love spending money by shopping where do you think that money comes from???you have been disrespecting for a very long time and I have been letting it slide that nonsense should stop today ingathi ungikhohliwe ukuthi ngingubani wena

I gulp shocked and scared I know how ruthless Cele is and I thought he was getting soft by letting me do whatever I want I guess I thought wrong

Me:ng-ngiyaxolisa Ndosi

Him:you better be I came here for us to bond as a family so please don't ruin it for me siyezwana??

I nod

Me:yebo siyezwana baba

He takes off his clothes and walks into the bathroom leaving me standing there shocked I guess I took advantage of his humble side which was a big mistake......


I am happy Nkosi defended me from Noluthando I also don't know why Thembinkosi didn't tell his wife the truth right now I am just watching Nkosi unpack the clothes because he told to just relax he will do it the kids are with his sister Sinesfiso

Me:thank you for earlier

Him:what happened earlier

I playfully roll my eyes

Me:the whole Noluthando situation

Him:ohh that baby She pissed me off she shouldn't be angry at you her husband is the one that cheated her anger should be directed to him not you langane is just full of herself and rude no wonder uThembinkosi sekemlamisa

Me:babe that's not nice

Him:whatever you know it's the baby vele I won't get some pussy nakancane nje the whole time we are here mmh??

I chuckle

Me:yes babe I was serious

Him:hawu mama don't do this to me please

Me:Okay maybe you might get some MAYBE!!

He smirks and throws himself on top of me and gives me a kiss

Him:ngikthanda MaXaba

I look at him speechless

Him:you don't have to answer me I was just letting you know how I feel

I nod and give him a peck......


○《NANDI 》○

Thembinkosi's mother is so evil yaz I am not going to see my man for almost the whole month just because she doesn't like me I saw Umi's pictures on Instagram and WhatsApp status Mauritius is really beautiful yaz I am so envious I wish I was there I will have to go home and spend this holiday with my family and siblings and I know it will be boring

Thembinkosi's mother is going to be a thorn on my side I can tell I mean what did I expect she forced Umi to marry Nkosi by threatening her yhoo I would be happy nje if her husband brings another wife that will surely humble her.....


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