2 months later
○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○These past 2 months have been amazing although there have been some obstacles because the Cele siblings had to meet up with their estranged brother and sister and talk about the recent events they also met up with the "step mother" if that's what I can call her and they are really not warming up to her as the "step mother" because they were used to knowing her as Nkosiyabo's bestfriend's mother so things are a still a bit tense
Father in law told us that my mother in-law went on a vacation it was okay because I thought she deserved it but I got worried when she didn't contact us for almost a month, I know my mother in law and it was unlike her to go on a vacation and not post about where she is and also not calling us from time to time and her kids were also worried so we talked to uNdosi(father in law) and later that day we received a call from her she did not sound herself so I told her I will call her when we were alone but she refused and told me she would call me so I shouldn't call ai wanted to know what was going on
I kept nagging her because I wanted her to tell me what was going on once she finally called me back she eventually told me what happened and I was so furious and I wanted to tell Nkosiyabo but she begged me not to tell him because she didn't want to mess up the relationship Ndosi has with Nkosiyabo or any of his children which has already been ruined but it has been hard keeping this from Nkosiyabo and my mother in-law calls from time to time she told me she uses a nurse's phone that takes care of her since what happened so she has to make sure no one finds out and tells Ndosi since he took her phone
My father in law has invited us for dinner multiple times for the past 2 months but we haven't been going because first of all Nkosi is still angry at his father and Zano's mother and has made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with them and secondly it's clear I will take my mother in law's side....I know I may sound a bit hypocritical right now since Nandi is doing the same thing to Thembinkosi's wife and I have not been reprimanding Nandi about what she is doing it's just at first I didn't know the impact affairs have on families until now
I have been thinking of talking to Nandi and I think I should do it soon since Thembinkosi postponed his plan of introducing Nandi to the family and his wife even though I don't like Nolu but this thing is not okay I admit that I was wrong for not trying to stop my friend from ruining someone's marriage it could be my marriage one day
Things between Nkosiyabo and I have been great with our little family he is the best husband I am glad that things have been going great between us even though we fight sometimes like we are doing now
Nkosi:ungijwayela kabi wena why would you do that without informing me??
Well I'm sure you guys want to know why we are fighting well I made an appointment to tie my tubes and he found out about it before I could even go
Me:I'm sorry baby......but it's my body I can do what I want with it
I mumble the last sentence
Me:we have 4 children angazi ukuthi yhini oyifunayo kimi(I don't know what you want from me)
Him:so you think getting your tubes tied without letting me know is a good idea??
Me:it's actually a great idea
I say with an attitude he slowly walks towards me with an intimidating look on his face
Him: ingathi uyakhohlwa ukuthi ukhuluma nobani lalela la uzofonela loya dokotela umntshele ukuthi awuzuwenza lombhedo (seems like you are forgetting who you are talking to..listen here you will call that doctor and tell her you are no longer doing this nonsense)
Me:kodwa babe I-......
Him:no buts we are done talking about this actually make that call now
I just look at him not moving a single muscle
Him:ngithe manje Umingentando!!!
Yho what's with the government name there's no "babe" anymore....I take out my phone and decide to personally doctor Mhlongo
Nkosi:put it on loudspeaker
I do as he says
Voice:Mrs Cele what do I owe this pleasure
I clear my throat she says with sarcasm
Me:hey Mhlongo uhmm I called you because I wanted to tell you that I don't want to go through with the procedure anymore
Mhlongo:I guess hubby found out and is not happy
Well you see Dr Mhlongo and I are actually kinda friends so she knows some personal things I vent to her from time to time when Nandi is not available
I chuckle nervously because Nkosi is looking at me with a glare om his face
Me:yeah something like that
She laughs
Mhlongo:okay patient yami no problem I will cancel the appointment I need to go I will talk to you later bye
Me:Okay bye
I hang up and look up at Nkosi
Me:done sir
I say with sarcasm laced in my voice even though I can see that he is angry I am trying to lighten up the mood he just clicks his tongue
Him:ungijwayela kabi wena
And walks out I let out a huge sigh of relief guys having an intimidating husband is not nice at times.....so now I guess it's still going to be me and contraceptives for a long time
○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○Today is the day I am going home where I will to see my children and grandchildren whom I haven't seen in a long time Menzi doesn't know that I told Umi and that I have been speaking to her and that's a good thing I have fully healed and I'm grateful even though I am forced to stay in this marriage I have mentally checked out my love for this man has deteriorated completely
Menzi:are you ready to go mkami
I just nod and walk out the room He will find me in the car once I get in the car I wait for him he walks out with ny bags after he puts them in the boot he gets in next to me and the driver drives out
Menzi:I will spend the day and tonight with you then tomorrow it is Bongeka's turn
I just keep quiet not saying anything while looking out the window I don't know uthi mandithini
Menzi:Swazi ngiyakhiluma(I'm talking to you)
He sighs
Him:I don't understand why you are playing the victim here you are the one who double crossed me and I just retaliated
I scoff and continue being quiet the nerve of this bastard
Him:say something Swazi what do you want??
Me:are you going to give me what I want??
Him:yes as long as I get the old Swazi back
I chuckle
Me:Menzi the old Swazi is gone she is not coming back what I want from you is a divorce I don't love you anymore and you are to be blamed for that everything I did was because of what you did to me without considering what it would to me So I'm sorry for bruising your huge ego
I say all this still looking out the window
Him:a divorce is not happening
Me:then please keep in mind that I NOMASWAZI ZONDO-CELE do not love you nor respect you anymore I have checked out of this marriage I'm just stuck and tolerating you because you don't want to let me go
Him:Swazi I love you uyakwazi loko
I lean back on the seat and close my eyes and let sleep take over.....

General FictionThis story is about a married woman who is happily married with her husband however things take a turn and the husband passes away and the woman is now "forced" to marry his older brother who has never liked her