○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○6 MONTHS LATER
------------------------------Well these past few months have been nothing but pure bliss I opened myself a club which is called The legacy lounge it cost me almost 2 million to get it even though I don't have that kind of money and I didn't get that money from my husband I am happy please don't ask me how I got it guys I hustled
And the plan the ladies came with I followed through with it and I have been having fun with this younger man well he is not that young he is 35 years old he is rich he owns an IT company he spoils me and don't get me started on the sex it is perfect not that my husband does not satisfy me he does it just doesn't hurt to be satisfied both sides right??
Even though he finally took Bongeka as his second wife I didn't go to that wedding though
○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○I am in my office stressed like hell someone stole my diamonds from me which are worth 10 million and it has been 6 months since I have been trying to find out who did it my men have been coming to a dead end and it pisses me off and it seems like whoever did this is a pro because it never takes me this long to find a bastard that crosses me and even if it has taken me this long to find whoever did this he will surely pay
Other than that I am happy that MaZondo finally accepted that I love Bongeka and I have been able to balance my life between my two lovely wives and my work even though it surprised me that Swazi quickly accepted this whole thing after attempting to put up a fight
As I am in my office I hear a knock on door
Me:come in
And in walks my right hand man Zakhele(Zakes) I hope he has some good news for me
Me:yah bafo I hope you have good news for me
He sighs and sits down shaking his head.
Him:I have both good news and bad news
Me:ngitshele zalo
He sighs again
Him:well the good news is I found out who stole the diamonds
I smirk
Me:that is good news is indeed
Him:yeah it is but the problem is the person who did it and where this person got the help from
I frown
Me:what do you mean manje??
He hands me a file
Him:the person who stole the diamonds is your wife Nomaswazi and she got the help from this boy she has been having an affair with for the past 6 months his name is Bheki Khoza he owns the company called Khoza IT he is the one who helped her cover up her tracks
As he is telling me all this I don't believe him but the evidence in front of me is damning I stand up and pour myself some whiskey I drink it up and I throw the glass across the room and it shutters
Him:bafo calm down
I look at him
Him:we have to come up with a plan to get back those diamonds or the money from uSwazi
I chuckle
Me:lowo uzoyikhotha imbewu yomile she will regret the day she met me akangiboni nje ungikhohliwe ukuthi ngingubani ndizombonisa as for the Ben 10 he will die I want you to arrange for then to be taken to the warehouse
He nods
Him:sho bafo I still can't believe ukuthi uSwazi had the guts to do this
Me:she will regret it
She will surely pay for this
○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○2 weeks later
~~~~~~~~~~~Me:ohhh fuck baby
Bheki:open your legs wider for me baby
I open my legs wider and he goes deeper this feeling is so great and I don't want him to stop
Me:fuck baby I am about to cum
I can feel he is about to release also I am on cloud 9 right now I mean who wouldn't be with this kind of dick in a few seconds I cum and he also cums in the condom
Him:that was amazing
I giggle
Me:it was indeed
And just then my phone rings and it is my favorite daughter in law Umi I'm glad we fixed things
Me:hey mimi
I answer breathlessly
Her:hey ma are you at the gym??
I laugh
Me:no but I was busy with something
She also laughs I'm sure she thinks I'm doing the nasty with her father in law if only she knew
Her:eww ma I called to see if we can go to lunch on Saturday
Me:yes my love we can I can't wait we will some shopping also
She squeals
Her:okay ma bye enjoy yourself
I laugh
Me:bye mimi
I drop the call and I turn around and Bheki is looking at me
Him:round 3??
I laugh
Me:don't you get tired baby??
Him:I can never get tired of your pussy baby
Me:you are so nasty
He gets on top of me and starts kissing me and kiss back and as he is about to enter me the door of the hotel room busts open we jump and we both look towards the door and it's my husband who looks very angry oh my God I quickly move away from Bheki wrapping myself with the sheets
He has a gun on his hand and he is with Zakhele and some body guards shut is this the day that I die Buitumelo and Umphile did warn about this but I didn't listen
Him:don't baby me wena sfebe
I start crying
Him:shut up get dressed we are leaving
He doesn't need to tell me twice because I don't want to anger him any further I get dressed Bheki does the same while he has a nose bleed after Zakhele punched him
Me:babakhe ngiyaxolisa
Zakhele:let's go you better not do anything funny or you are dead
We walk out after they warned us and we use a back exit and we drive off while I am in the car with Menzi in the back while there is a driver and another man on the passengersit,Bheki is with Zakhele in the other car with the other men I am a crying mess busy apologizing to him
Me: babakhe please it was a mistake ngiyaxolisa
He looks at me for a while then the next thing I know he is hitting me everywhere I try fighting back but it becomes useless he hits me on my head with a gun and I black out and I remember Umphile and Buitumelo's warnings what was I thinking betraying him like this

General FictionThis story is about a married woman who is happily married with her husband however things take a turn and the husband passes away and the woman is now "forced" to marry his older brother who has never liked her