○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○I am woken up by a cold splash of water poured on me and I am startled and struggle to breath for a second and I try to adjust my eyes to the light in the room and start looking around to be aware of my surroundings and everything floods in my mind that my husband caught me cheating and today may be the day I die I hear someone groaning next to me and it is Bheki he looks really bad they roughed him up really bad why did I put this poor man in this position
I feel a sting on my right cheek and I realize my husband just slapped me I am tied to a chair I can't even move tears start falling because that shit hurt like hell
Me:Ndosi ngiyaxolisa bandla
I say while sobbing
Him:where are my diamonds
Shit he knows but how though I thought he only knew about the affair
Me:what are you talking about??
He punches me on my stomach and I groan God please forgive me please what the hell did I get myself into nkosiyami ngenzeni
Him:you know I don't like repeating myself
Me:angazi ukuth'ukhuluma ngani Ndosi
He shoots Bheki on his thigh and I scream
Him:yhini ukhalela uben 10 wakho sfebe??
He can't kill him
Me:Ndosi ngiyaxolisa myeni wami the diamonds are in the basement of our house I put them there because I knew we both hardly go there so you wouldn't suspect it
Him:how can you betray me like this Nomaswazi??
Me:you can't tell me about that nonsense you are the one who betrayed me first you had an affair for 34 years and brought 2 bastards
He punches me again and I scream
Him:don't call my kids bastards Nomaswazi
《《《《9 hours later》》》》
He beat us up for 4 hours and left I don't think I can survive this he should kill me at this point
He has been groaning from pain
Me:please forgive me for putting you in this
Him:it's fine I knew what came with having an affair with you I knew who your husband is and I still continued being with you
Me: he may kill us Bheki
I say crying
Him:well with me I know he will surely kill me but you I doubt it you are his wife afterall you are still the mother of his children
Me:please don't give up so easily I can talk to him please
Him:it's too late for that we know how uCele is so I have to accept my faith
I cry more
I see him walking through the door and I know it's time for his fists to connect with every inch of my body
Him:it's time for you lovers to say goodbye to each other
Me:please don't kill him he will leave the country please don't do this baba ngiyakucela
He laughs
Him:you look pathetic when you are begging it doesn't suit you
I look down and keep quiet
Him:any last words??
Me:Bheki I am sorry
Bheki:Swazi I lov-.....
Menzi shoots him in between his eyes and he dies immediately
Me:Menzi nooooooooo!!!!!
I scream while crying he becomes angry and punches me on my body repeatedly until I pass out
I hear a beeping sound as I start to regain consciousness I open my eyes and I see that I am in a room with all hospital equipment but I am not in hospital and my whole body hurts I am in so much pain and I remember that I am alive while Bheki is dead why did I think cheating on uMenzi was a good idea now ingane yabantu ishonile ngenxa yami
I look around and it is empty I am alone I stare at the roof for a while and then I hear the door opening I look towards it and Menzi walks in how did I end up with such a man
Him:you will be here until you heal then I will take you home and we will act like all this never happened I will forget you cheated and stole from me I sent your boyfriend's body to his parents house so he will be buried accordingly and I told the kids that you said you wanted some fresh air so they think you are in another country enjoying your life I advise you take this time to reflect on the stunt you pulled
By the time he is finished I am crying my eyes out
Me:you beat me up until I almost lost my life and you don't show any remorse....Menzi you cheated first but when I do it you almost kill me and you killed uBheki when I didn't even touch isfebe sakho uBongeka you are so selfish Menzi I regret the day I met you...I want a divorce
He scoffs
Him:you are not getting a divorce from me the only way you will leave me is if you die
Me:I hate you so much
Him:I will come and check on you from time to time I will also bring you your favorite snacks there are doctors and nurses to take care of you I love you mkami
Then he walks out he took my phone I can't do anything the only thing I see here that I can do are the books to read but I know I can't do that now my body is in pain and I can't move around he really did a number on me I feel like he broke ny ribs and my face feels swollen so bad Menzi has never put his hands on me even though I knew how dangerous he is I just never thought we would get here and he shows zero remorse for what he has done I miss my children and my grandchildren right now they would really lift my mood but I guess Menzi doesn't want them to see his handwork because I know for sure Nkosiyabo will be mad

General FictionThis story is about a married woman who is happily married with her husband however things take a turn and the husband passes away and the woman is now "forced" to marry his older brother who has never liked her