Huh? -🦋

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Fluff, kissing, injuries, the open sea, mention of a siphonophore, misspelling...

Summary: a boat trip and an Injury lead to some unexpected confessions.


I personally could never, ever deny I didn't love going over to the Cameron's until one day, nothing special just one stupid day the boy who always despised me and never gave me more than one look started giving me attention.

And by attention I don't mean he says hi and smiles to me or something or else, he stares at me, his jaw clenches everytime I tell Sarah about a boy, he is nice to me, his whole attire changes when I am around and the worst thing is he always whispers things to his douchebag friends about me. Not that I'd care what he tells them but somehow I do.

It was around 6am when I got startled by my mom calling out for me from downstairs, I groan and push myself out of the warm embrace of my cozy satin comforter and make my way out of my door and down the stairs into the living room.

My mom looks at me and starts smiling, Y/n! What are you doing? Have you forgotten that we're supposed to be at the Cameron's dock at 7am? Don't tell me you were still sleeping.
I look at my mom like she just told me something unbelievable and by the look she gave me I could see that I should definetly get ready now. So I quickly run upstairs and make myself ready for the day.

After I put on a light layer of waterproof mascara and a little bit of my favourite lipgloss, put on a red bathing suit and hid it under an oversized Nirvana T-Shirt and some light blue shorts, I made my way downstairs and basically sprint past my dad and jump into the car, scared of what will happen if I take anymore time my mom lets out a sigh and drives me, my dad and her to the docks.

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Once we arrived the first person I laid eyes on was my best friend in the whole, wide world. Sarah Cameron also called the kook princess, next to her stand wheezie and once I go over to them they both engage me into a tight hugging sesh. Once we pulled away I turned around just to be met with the one and only Rafe Cameron. I roll my eyes dramatically and turn back around and ignore rafes smug comment about my outfit.

After what felt like 5 hours (but where only twenty minutes) ward told us he will throw the anchor down into the water so we can rest. I started by pulling out my T-shirt and my shorts and made my way past Rafe and our parents and threw myself onto the lounge chair next to Sarah.

It weren't more than 5 minutes until wheezie said she was bored and wanted to go and take a swim. Sarah and I both told her we don't want just yet but wheezie being wheezie she kept begging us until we both finally gave in.

It were probably only 2 or so minutes later until Rafe climbed down the yacht and dove under the water. I just wanted to take a few strides sideways until I felt a harsh and painful sting on the right side of my thigh and hissed. I looked down just to see a middle sized Portuguese Man O' War wrapped around my thigh. I started panicking and tried swimming backwards, the siphonophore left my leg but the stinging sensation didn't went with it, it just got worse.

Rafe was the first one to notice my face that was grimacing while I swam calmly to the ladder of the boat and tried to climb up as careful as possible.

Rafes POV:

I saw y/n climb out of the water and couldn't help but look at her pretty figure winding with every step she took, until my eyes fell onto a large red fresh looking scar around the top of her „beautiful" right thigh. I immediately swam to the ladder too and climbed up onto the boat as fast as possible.

Y/n's POV:

I quickly let myself fall onto one of the lounge chairs with one loud thud I hissed in pain and felt tears fill my eyes. As I looked up I was met with a pair of ice blue eyes that stared down at me with worry written all over them.

Rafe bent down to my level and inspected my sting, once in a lifetime I didn't snapped at him for coming too close I honestly enjoyed him being so near to me.

Rafe looked up at me and asked if I knew what exactly had stung me, I answered with a quick „Man O' war" hoping the crack at the end of the sentence went unnoticed but it sure didn't.

Rafe quickly grabbed my hand and led me into the cabins and down the shirt hallway into the tight boat bathroom and made me sit on the sink before leaning over me trying to search for something to help ease the pain. After around 2 minutes of searching and making researches he retreaded with a cup of water from the ocean, plastic gloves and contentrated vinegar solution that rose always kept for such cases.

He started by carefully rinsing my thigh off with the salt water and applied some of the vinegar solution. After that be put on his gloves and started carefully removing the tentacles. Once he finished this process he pulled out the gloves and threw them away.

We stayed in this position so about 2 minutes more before I finally broke the silence and said „I think we should head back outside before our families start searching for us. He just answered by a short „yes" before I hopped down the sink and started for the door. Once I opened it I walked a few steps the pain still slightly there and tried to get back until I heard Rafe whisper

„I love you, but you will never know it."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my brain working the things through that my ears just absorbed I didn't turned around I just said a little huh? Rafe's head snapped to my direction and a look of pure panic set in his features. I finally turned my body fully now facing him and looked him deep in the eyes. I debated for a few seconds on what to do before taking a few steps forward.

Once I reached Rafe and stood directly in front of him I could see his pupils dilating but there was still that look of panic buried deep inside them.

He took a ragged breath before moving forward so his chest slightly brushed mine and he looked deep into my eyes.

Blue and y/e/c connected and in that moment the whole world stopped spinning and it was only you and Rafe.

You could hear his breaths increasing similar to yours and suddenly in a beat of a seconds he connected his lips to yours in a sweet and caring kiss.

After a few seconds he pulled back, pupils dilated and face flushed you looked deep into his icy blue eyes before whispering „I love you too, Rafe Cameron."

A smile crept onto his features but was quickly wiped away by your lips connecting back to his. You both kept making out for around 2 minutes before pulling away and catching your breaths.

Rafe took your face into his big soft hands and whispered „would you like to hang out one day?" sheepish smile on his face.

You sent him the same smile back before saying „I would love too." before winking at him and taking off down the hallway and up the staircase.

This was going to be something new...

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So this was my first chapter and I am super excited to share it with you all!! I hope you enjoyed it and sorry in advantage for any spelling errors!
I love you all!!
-Ailee Celeste 💞

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Rafe cameron imagines by Ailee. <3 Where stories live. Discover now