Rafe's Alphabet - 🫦,🦋

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Mentions of sex, much fluff, naughty things, meantion of gore and death (no murder) minors dni. Misspelling might happen it's midnight...

Like the title says the great alphabet about our favorite proactive boyfriend. 🥰

I already know I'm gonna have so many mental breakdowns writing this but yeah I love y'all so it's worth it. I also hope these don't sound similar to something anyone else has ever done but I'm basically getting some of the ideas for the letters from the internet and some of them are from my imagination so don't call me a stealer or something. I also have never seen something like this with Rafe I've only seen this with Lewis Hamilton once.


A - Affection

Rafe is a guy who doesn't likes to admit it but he really loves showing and receiving affection by his loved ones especially since his father never really gave him much of it.

B - Boobs

What can I say, Rafe definetly is a boob guy, he loves squeezing them, touching them, massaging them, just letting his hands rest on them like a bra, using them as a pillow or even sucking on them.

C - Cunnilingus

Rafe just loves eating his girl out, his tongue is super talented and he loves having his head stuck between her thighs and making them tremble. He also would never, ever be satisfied if he didn't make sure his girl at least came one time before he got his pleasure.

D - Dick

Rafe is a big dick ego guy with a big dick, this sounds really fast forward but his cockiness definetely has a source and this speaks for itself since „cockiness" already includes the word „cock" and Rafe just looooves proving how deep he can reach and how only he can please his girl the right way.

E - Encouraging

When Rafes girl wants to reach something Rafe makes it his assignment to give her as much encouragement as he can no matter if it's in the confines of their bedrooms or outside surrounded by peers.

F - Fights

Rafe will do absolutely anything to make his girl feel safe no matter how many fists he has to swing or how many hits he has to take, he will ALWAYS make her feel safe and comfortable and only one wrong word or one strange glance will end with bloodied knuckles.

G - Generous

„Oh this necklace is really pretty but way to expensive let's just resume window shopping." Rafe won't even try to listen to this, he has his girl dragged into the shop in the span of a second and has the salesman put the necklace around her delicate neck while Rafe pays for it not even expecting her to say thank you, he will never cheapskate on his girl, if he takes her shopping he goes all out.

H - Hot

Rafe will take care of his girl no matter what situation they're in, even if they're standing in the foggy shower, the heat of the water turned way to high for Rafes liking but perfect for hers. He will fuck her senseless anyways. He calls her princess so he takes care of her needs like the ones from a princess.

I - Ice

Rafe loves trying out new things in the bedroom, one thing he just hasn't suspected was his development for temperature play. The feeling of her tender nipples hardening under the touch of ice. The sucking in of the stomach from the coldness or the goosebumps rising all along her body.

J - Joking

Rafe isn't really the type of guy to joke pretty often but when he does it's mostly dark humor something that is frowned upon or where people start pretending they didn't hear the insult about specific type of things, often connected to gore and death. 

Rafe cameron imagines by Ailee. <3 Where stories live. Discover now