Chapter 5: Past Revealed

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Obe And Luna POV

Obe and Luna were on their way to Ozpin's office. Obe had too much on his mind so Luna had to contact everyone to meet them in Ozpin's office. They enter the elevator, Obe still looks uneasy, Luna notices.

Luna: *puts a hand on his shoulder, he turns to her* Obe, are you gonna be ok? You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

Obe: *shakes his head* It's not that I want to... I HAVE to. *Luna looks at him confused* I've kept all of you in the dark about me long enough. Its long overdue on me telling you all the truth about me.

Luna: *surprised, but nods at him* Alright Obe, *holds his hand* I'm with you till the end, you know that right?

Obe: *smiles under his helmet* I'd be surprised if you weren't.

The elevator door opens and they enter Ozpin's office. They are greeted with the sight of not only Ozpin, but also Glynda, Ironwood, team RWBY, team JNPR, and team CFVY. Obe removes his helmet as Ozpin greets him.

Ozpin: *takes a sip from his mug* Young Obelisk, Princess Luna, good morning.

Obe and Luna: Good morning.

Ozpin: *looks at Obe* Obelisk, Miss Luna says that you have something to say to all of us?

Obe: *nods and removes his helmet* I... I have not been entirely truthful with all of you, *they all look at him confused as he takes a deep breath* I am not from Animorph.

Ironwood: *narrows his eyes* Then what Kingdom do you come from young man?

Obe: *sighs* None of them... I am not from your world.

This news shocks everyone, even Ozpin. Ruby is the first to question him.

Ruby: Does this mean you're an alien?

Weiss: No you dolt, he is human after all. Let him finish.

Ruby: *pouts*

Obe: I've been thinking so much on how I got here, and I've come to one conclusion... I have come to a different dimension.

Everyone shares a gasp.

Ozpin: *gestures for everyone to sit down, they sit* Young Obelisk, please, tell us everything. Let us understand.

Obe: *sits down* Its quite a long story Ozpin.

Ozpin: We have all day, *takes another sip from his mug* I had classes cancelled today.

Obe then explains everything he went through in his own dimension, but leaving out the name of his previous love before he came here.

Important A/N: For those who want to know everything Obe went through before this story, just read my other story named "Journey to Godhood", cause like I said in this story's description, this story is a continuation of Journey to Godhood, but continuing from its Dark Side ending.

Obe lowers his head after saying everything, ready for the worst, but then he feels people hugging him. He raises his head and opens his eyes to see the three teams present and Luna embracing him.

Luna: *holding him tightly* Nobody should ever go through what you had to.

Team RWBY: *sympathetically* Yeah.

Jaune: If you ever need anything bro, we're all here for you.

Team RWBY, NPR, and CVFY: *all nod in agreement* Yeah.

Ozpin: I am terribly sorry you had to go through that young Obelisk, but know that you have people here to call friends, no... *smiles* to call family.

Obe didn't know how to react. He had expected to been rejected for everything he had done, what he was, but they were accepting him, disregarding everything all the deeds he had done in his dimension.

Obe: *smiles and starts shedding some happy tears* I- I'm so happy to know that you all accepted me... I just... Thank you all.

All present smile at him as the teams break their embrace.

Obe: *straightens himself* Now, its time for the real reason I wanted to talk to you all.

Everyone was in shock, they believed that was everything that Obe wanted to say. Luna broke the silence.

Luna: Yes, that wasn't the reason he wanted to talk to all of you.

Obe: I just thought you all should know where I truly came from, and understand better.

Ozpin: But of course young Obelisk. *refills his mug and takes a sip* Now what is the real thing you wanted to talk to us about?

Obe: *takes a deep breath and sighs* I have reason to believe that three people of my past are somehow here on Remnant.

Everyone, to say the least was horrified at the thought that an enemy of Obe is possibly on Remnant.

Ironwood: And who are these three people?

Obe: Their names are... Loth, Drun, and Hades.

Blake: Wait, didn't you say they died in your dimension?

Obe: *nods at Blake*

Yang: Then how would they be here?

Obe: That's the question. I don't know how, but I can sense them. *looks at everyone seriously* And if I know them as well as I can remember, they are plotting against us all just to get to me.

Glynda: Why you specifically?

Obe: Because I'm a serious threat to whatever plan they have for Remnant. They know I can possibly stop them, and they're willing to go to any length to just get to me and kill me.

Ironwood: Then we'll prepare for the worst.

Ozpin: *nods in agreement* Thank you for telling us this, we'll be on the look out for them.

Obe: *nods* Thank you everyone. Just remember, these three are NOT to be underestimated, they will not hesitate to kill you if they're given the chance.

They all nod in agreement as everyone exits Ozpin's office to go about the rest of their day. Now knowing of the upcoming threat, they all begin to train, specifically Obe trains his friends to fight effectively against people who wield lightsabers. Obe wonders if this will be enough though.

A/N: That's chapter 5, I hope you all enjoyed and sorry for the delay. I've been a bit tired the past few days and didn't feel like writing. Cya in the next chapter.

(RWBY X Star wars OC) A God From A Different DimensionWhere stories live. Discover now