Chapter 20: War To Remember Part 1

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A few hours after all the Ships and Bullheads disembarked.

Obe is at the front of the ship he and the others boarded. He looks at the sea thinking to himself.

Obe: *thoughts* If this Salem is as powerful as many claim... then with Hades, they may be able to defeat me, but if I know Hades, he's planning on betraying her the first chance he gets. I know that with all of us, we can defeat them both. *aloud* We have to defeat them.

Luna: *behind Obe* And we will beat them.

Obe: *looks at Luna* Forgive me Luna, I was deep in thought.

Luna: It's alright Obe. Sometimes we all need to be alone to think.

Obe: What brings you up here?

Luna: Father says we're nearing Salem's Land of Darkness.

Obe: *lowers his head* It's about to begin. A battle that Remnant will never forget.

Luna: And maybe there'll finally be peace. 

Obe: And may it be forever lasting.

The two share a nod then begin heading below deck. They see everyone else preparing themselves and seeing a few screens.

Ironwood: This will be the biggest battle in the history of Remnant.

Magnus: Let us hope it'll be the last one. *Ironwood nods at him* How about the attack Ships and Bullheads? 

Ironwood: They're about to arrive at their checkpoints and charge in.

Dreix: *pushes a few buttons* Got it on screen.

The screens show the Ships and Bullheads getting ready to charge at the many sea and air Grimm prepping their charge.

The screens show the Ships and Bullheads getting ready to charge at the many sea and air Grimm prepping their charge

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5000 Mameleu

5000 Mameleu

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5000 Moza

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