Chapter 13: Interrogation

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Location: Atlas Prison, Third Person POV

Cinder, Mercury and Emerald were beaten and captured by Obe. They now reside in cells in Atlas prison with aura and semblance blocking binders. All three hear footsteps approaching. Some guards approach the cells and deactivate them. 

Guard1: Get up, follow us.

They all follow the guards to an interrogation room, in the room are Obe, Errith, Dreix, Luna and Ironwood.

Ironwood: You three can make this very simple and just answer our questions truthfully.

Mercury: What happens if we don't?

Dreix and Errith threateningly hold out their hands with lightning at the ready. That alone shuts Mercury up. Ironwood sits across from Cinder.

Ironwood: Let's begin.

Time Skip 4 Hours

Obe, Errith, Luna and Dreix are talking outside the room when Ironwood angerly exits.

Dreix: No luck?

Ironwood: NONE!! This is not good, as long as they don't say anything, so many lives may get lost. I did learn one thing though. 

Errith: And what would that be? 

Ironwood: Her fear of her leader outweighs her fear of us.

Dreix: We'll have to change that.

Luna: Wait, Obe *Obe looks at her* didn't you tell me that you can use the force to compel someone's mind? *Obe nods* Why not try that? 

Errith: Could that work?

Obe: I don't think Cinder has a weak mind.

Errith: Why not try it together?

Dreix: That also has risks. Trying to compel a strong mind with the force runs the risk of completely destroying it.

Obe: We're running out of time. Every second we waste puts more people in danger.

Ironwood: *thinks for a bit and sighs* You three have my permission to try this.

The three Sith then walk into the room and stand across from Cinder, Mercury and Emerald.

Cinder: Ironwood already tried, you three won't succeed.

Dreix: *holds his hand out* You will tell us your secrets.

Cinder: *confused* I don't know what you're doing, but it won't work on me.

Dreix and Errith: *Errith holds her hand out* You will tell us your secrets.

Cinder: *shakes her head a bit, Emerald and Mercury look at her in worry* Forget it.

Dreix, Errith and Obe: *Obe holds his hand out* You will tell us your secrets. 

Cinder: *struggles* I- I WON'T!! 

Dreix: You will take us to Salem, and you will do it...

Dreix, Errith and Obe: NOW!! *their voices echo as the increase the output*

Cinder: *a bit entranced* I... I will tell y- *shakes her head in pain* NO!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! *she starts jerking around in pain*

They continue for a few more seconds before releasing her.

Obe: I think we should try... Again. *gives Cinder a glare*

Cinder: *fearfully* N- no. Please, no more of that. *Emerald and Mercury look at her in shock* I... I'll tell you everything you want to know. 

Dreix: *he gestures Obe and Errith to leave, they leave the room as Dreix takes a seat* So... Where do we begin?

Outside The Room

Luna: *sees Obe and Errith leaving the room* Well?

Obe: I'm sure Cinder is gonna tell father everything. Now the only issue is making sure all three of them are hidden until further notice.

Errith: But how are we gonna- *looks a different direction*

Obe: I sense it too. 

All three of them run to the entrance to see all the guards unconscious. One is trying to get up as Luna goes to them.

Luna: *helps the guard up* What happened?

Guard: S- some people barged in here and knocked us cold. It seems they were looking for something.

Obe: I wonder what they were looking f- *something hits the back of his neck* AGH!! *pulls out what looks like a dart* What the? *his vision gets blurry as he goes unconscious*

Luna: OBE!!

Errith: *checks Obe's pulse* He's ok.

They both hear footsteps as they and the guard prepare for a fight as they see mysterious armored people charging at them.

Luna: Who are they?

Guard: We'll find out later.

Errith: *ignites lightsaber* Time to kill.

Errith wastes no time cutting down the mysterious assailants, but they're quick to break out electric batons to counter her lightsaber. The soldiers quickly overwhelm the three as the barely hold on to their consciousness. The mysterious soldiers then begin to grab Obe and star dragging him away.

Luna: *tries to reach out* O- Obe... *she then sees the dart that hit Obe in the neck, she sees the label on the dart* S... D... C... *falls unconscious*

The soldiers quickly restrain the unconscious Obe as the commander gets a call. 

Commander: *answers* Hello?

???: Is he captured?

Commander: Yes, we have him and his weapons. We faced some casualties, but mission success.

???: Very well, bring him to my secret facility.

Commander: Very well...

(ignore the plate of food)

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(ignore the plate of food)

Commander: Mr. Schnee.

Jacques: Soon all of his secrets will be mine. *smirks*

A/n: That's Chapter 13 everyone. I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry this is a bit short as well, I didn't have too many ideas, but I promise the next chapter will be longer. Cya in the next chapter.

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