Chapter 25: Good ending

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Previously From Chapter 23

Hades: *breathing hard* I think we've dragged this on long enough child. *raises his sword*

Obe: *breathing hard, somewhat demonic voice* I would agree Hades. *raises his lightsabers and begins diverting his remaining energy to his blades* Lets finish this Hades.

Hades: *snarls* As you wish.

Obe and Hades begin to charge at each other for one final strike at each other as the screen fades to black.


The two get close enough for their final strikes.

                                             (Obe's Slash)

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(Obe's Slash)

                                                         (Hades' Slash)

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(Hades' Slash)

All watch as the two Sith just stand there with their backs facing each other. Hades is then seen dropping his sword and going to his knees, slowly turning to dust. Everyone is happy to see that Obe won, but then Obe is seen dropping to one knee. Luna is quick to run to him.

Luna: Obe are you ok!?

Obe: *shows armor is a bit pierced, but he's ok* Yeah, just a bit tired heheh. *Luna suddenly hugs him very tightly* OW! Luna that hurts.

Luna: *still hugging Obe tightly* Never scare me like that again.

The two are interrupted by Hades screaming in anger. All that are present turn to him.


Salem: Wrong Hades. *Hades turns to her* Before you completely absorbed my power, *shows the red gemstone* I put what I could into this gem, and luckily for us, it was my immortality that was put into here. So you only got the healing of my power, something that could be overtaxed eventually. 

Obe: *with Luna's help, standing* You know Hades, *Hades turns to Obe* I knew you would try to take her power, but I think she suspected as well.

Obe: *with Luna's help, standing* You know Hades, *Hades turns to Obe* I knew you would try to take her power, but I think she suspected as well

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Hades: *as he's turning to dust* I WILL FIND A WAY TO RETURN!!

Dreix: It's over now.

Ironwood: Didn't you hear what he said? He's gonna try to come back.

Obe: And we'll be ready for him if he does. For now, let's go home, we could all use a rest heh.

All present begin to laugh as some vehicles come pick them up.

A Few Years Later

After the war, the people of Remnant began to rebuild what was destroyed and were in more control of the Grimm attacks due to no one being able to control them anymore. The White Fang and SDC were able to finally find peace and all enslaved faunus were freed. Menagerie was then declared another kingdom of remnant when atlas forces were able to help clear the dangers of the forest and help them expand. A bit after the groups graduated from Beacon, Luna and Obe had gotten married. The group decided to regather at Animorph for a reunion, they all are in the great hall of the castle.  

Luna: Feels just like yesterday all of you came to bring Obe to Beacon.

Obe: Heheh, Ruby was such a child back then.

Weiss: She still is sometimes

Ruby: HEY!!

They all laugh as they begin talking again as the screen zooms out to reveal that the spirit of SW Luna has been watching.

SW Luna: I'm so happy that you could finally find peace Obe. I hope to see all of you again one day, *she turns to see a bright light* but it seems to be my time to ascend. Goodbye to all of you.

SW Luna goes to the light as the screen fades to black.

A/N: That's the good ending everyone. So this is the last chapter of this story, but I still have one last thing planned, but I'll show that tomorrow so keep an eye on your notifications. Until then, Cya all later. 

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