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"Touchdown Cowboys, they have now had the lead against the Pittsburgh Steelers and it is almost almost half time."

"Now Chet the Steelers are on  a winning streak but I have a feeling that the streak might be over after this game." 

"We will see about that Ian and now back to the-"

I heard a knock on the door and got up from the couch to look at the peek hole then opened it.

Dad was holding a bunch of groceries and I hold the door for him so he can walk inside.

"Is there more?" I asked while watching him putting the groceries down on the kitchen counter.

"No not at all and where are your brothers." Dad asked.

"Jude is sleeping and probably Derrick as well." I said.

"What are you doing?" Dad said as he put the groceries away and I decided to help him.

"I was watching a football game." I says.

"The Cowboys versus the Steelers?"  He said.

"Yeah but it is still going on so I just betting on the Cowboys to win." I said.

Dad laughed as he put the cans away.

"You are not even a Cowboys fan." Dad spoke.

I chuckled. "Yeah I know but my team is not playing today and I hate the Steelers  so why not root for the Cowboys to beat them."

"Yeah of course and do you still have your grandfather's guitar?" Dad questioned.

"Yeah I do since you gave it to me."

"No he gave it to me to give it to you because you know he saw something special in you."

"Like what?"

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I always think about my future and what it would be but somehow taking a chance of become a famous singer is one of my biggest dreams even though I feel like  there will be a lot of regrets.

"I want to be a singer and I feel like it might happen."

"Yeah I can see it happen but is that the only thing you want to focus on?"

What does he means about about like what is the other thing that I need to focus on?

"What do you mean Dad?"

"Your love life is  so non existent which makes me wonder what are you waiting for Frankie?"

" I have no idea at all."


It was now Monday and me and my brothers were coming out of the school's front office with our class schedules.

There were people looking at us and probably wondering who are those new students but honestly I wish they would stop staring at us like they have never seen humans before.

I went to go find my locker and as I walked there, I saw two girls talking to each other. One girl was leaning against one of the locker while the red head girl was  talking to her about something.

"Excuse me do you know where locker 423 is?" I said.

One of the girl looked at me and as I saw her,  her brown eyes reminded me of chocolate or anything else to describe brown eyes which I got lost in and for some reason she can probably light up the room with her smile.

"Yeah it is five lockers away from mine but I will show you." The girl spoke while she smiled at me.

"Yeah sure thanks." I said.

"No problem."

A/N: This book takes place in 1988 but right now it is the flashbacks which probably be back and forth to the present and the past.

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