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A/N:Got deleted for no reason🙄

"You can't be serious Frankie like come on he was barely in our fucking life." Jude said.

"Yeah I know but he is trying and besides that-"

"Yeah trying my ass." He said after cutting me off.

"Derrick what would you do?" I asked.

Derrick looks up from the tv and sighed. "Honestly I agree with Jude since Dad was probably doing God knows what instead of being a father."

"Thank you." Jude replied.

"Everybody deserves a second chance unless they actually deserve it but-just give him a chance and if it doesn't work out then-"

"Fine Frankie, I will give him another chance but other than that I still won't forgive his ass that fucking quick."

"No one is asking you to forgive him that fast anyway."

I laughed at Derrick's comment because it was little bit funny and Jude looked at me with annoyed look on his face.

Jude rolled his eyes at Derrick. "Do you really think I didn't know that?"


It been five hours since we been spending time with our dad and honestly it didn't go that bad but it felt really awkward.

We went to watch the 49ers play the New York giants  then after that Dad took us to a  five star restaurant.

"So is anything new going on in your guys life?" Dad asked.

The way  that it is so quiet in this restaurant that you could only hear an pin drop.

Dad frustratedly sighed. "Look I know I haven't been great father to you guy boys but I really want to make it up to you and just know that I am trying."

"Well at least now you know you are a bad father." Jude mumbled loud enough for Dad to hear which made him glared at Jude.

"Tell me what I could do to fix this relationship with my sons?"

"I don't know but it is crazy that it took seventeen years of our life to ask that stupid question."

"Jude I get it you hate what I did and I had my reasons back then but I am sorry."

"What was the reasons?" Derrick asked.

"I can't tell you so that is all you got to know." Dad said.

"It must had been that fucking important than your own kids." Jude stated.

Dad wanted to say something to Jude but didn't say anything because it wasn't worth his time and didn't want to make a huge scene.

"Look I know you three hate me but I really regret what I did okay and-"

I cut him off. 

"Dad we get it but you have to show it." I spoke.

"Yeah, I know Frankie." 

"Do you think he will actually do it?" Jude whispered in my ears.

I shrugged and whispered back. "I guess but if he doesn't then that means that he is not true to his words."

"Yeah let's just hope." Jude said.

Do I want to say that Dad was a bad parent well yes, he was but I feel like he could have a second chances and also showed that he can be a good father even though it is little bit too late now. Sometimes I really wonder what he was doing when me and my brothers were seven years old like I know it is none of my business even though I am kind of curious.

"Hey do you guys remember Valerie?" Derrick questioned.

"Who is she?" Dad asked with a curious look on his face.

"The girl we became friends with last month." Jude said while eating his food.

"Yeah but I feel like asking her out." Derrick said.

"Then do it." Jude spoke.

"The thing is I feel like she doesn't feel the same." He spoke.

"She probably does." I says.

"How do you know Frankie?" Derrick asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know but I am just guessing even though it is kind of obvious."

Derrick chuckled. "There is no way it is that obvious."

"Trust me it is." I stated.

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