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A/Frankie's grandmother is alive in this book if you are wondering but don't worry, she will be in some chapters.

The Next Day

"Where were you last night?" Jude asks. He was pouring cereal in the bowl before adding the milk.

"Really cereal before milk?" I questioned.

Jude rolled his eyes at me and took an spoonful of Frosted Flakes in his mouth.

"It is the right way to do it Frankie." He said.

"Yeah right." I scoffed.

"Anyway where were you and don't change the subject."

"I was with Maria last night after we saw her and Valerie at the diner remember?"

"Oh yeah her and Valerie so what happened after that?"

"I met her family."

"Wow no way how was that like?"

I chuckled. "It was okay and her family are really great people that is all I have to say."

"Meeting the family must have been a great accomplishment to you knowing the fact you two aren't even dating." He said before taking another spoonful of his cereal.

"I don't think it was but I only see her as a friend and I know she does as well."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you two end up dating."

"Please that will never happen."

"Yeah I know Frankie and besides we all know you only want to focus on your music career but that can't be the only thing you need to focus on."

"Like what else do I need to focus on Jude?"

He was about to open his mouth to say something but a voice interrupted him as they walk into the kitchen.

Dad put the newspapers down on the kitchen counter and then open the fridge to grab a carton of orange juice.

"What are you two talking about?" Dad asks.

"Just some random stuffs that's all." Jude said.

Dad looks at Jude for a minute to see if he was lying but then he was shaking his head while chuckling.

"Okay then..." He poured the juice into the glass cup before taking a sip of it. "You know we should do something as a family since it been a long time since you know."

Silence filled the room and it was really pretty awkward but no offense it is not like we hate our dad, it is just that our relationship with him is a little bit rocky now.

To be honest I want to have a good relationship with my dad before it gets too late and I might regret it.

If I ever have kids in the future, I would want them to know who their grandparents are and spend time with them even though their grandfather has no filter at all like he would say anything that comes out of his mind without thinking about it.

I have a great relationship with my mom but I haven't talked to her in a while and I am starting to think Dad is the reason of it because the hate he has for her.

He can't hide us from her because he hates her and I mean she is me and my brothers' mom so yeah.....

"You don't have to say ye-"

I cuts him off. "Yeah sure Dad."

Jude gave me a look and then shrugged before responding.

"What did Derrick say?" Jude asks.

"He just want to hear from you guys." Dad said.

The awkward silence and the tension in this house is really something.

Dad sighed. "Look I know I haven't been a great to you three but I am trying my best and-"

"Dad we get it and we will spend some time with you." Jude said."


"Yeah and besides we still want you in our life."

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