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"It Is just a friend and no we are not dating ." Maria said.

Her dad looks like he could pop a blood vessel because of the way he keep glaring at me but anyway I get that he is a protective of his daughter which most fathers are.

The boy who was standing next to her father was trying hard not to eavesdrop but I am pretty sure everybody knows what he is doing but doesn't care at all.

Outside it was dark and little bit cloudy at night but I could hear music coming from the inside of her house that sounded like Spanish music.

"What's your name?" Her dad asked.

"My name is Frankie sir." I spoke while ignoring the look he is giving me.

"How do you know my daughter?"

"I met Maria at school when I was looking for my locker since I was new." I stated.

He looked at me like he was trying to see if there was anything bad about me but then shook his head.

He was about to say something until a woman who I assumed is Maria's mom came outside.

"What is going on here?" She asks.

"Ma Maria got an boyfriend." The kid said.

It is kinda funny because never in my life I want to date someone that I just met an month ago but I get the reaction of an overprotective father who kept staring at me. To be honest I don't even have feelings for Maria and she is just like a friend to me.

Maria rolled her eyes at her little brother before talking to her mom.

"I don't have a boyfriend and since when it is an problem for two  opposite genders to be friends anyway and also this is Frankie who is my friend." Maria said.

"Julio leave your sister alone and Frankie you are welcome to stay over for dinner." Her mom said.

"I wish I could but I have to-"

One hour later

Well now I am eating with her family since I finally gave in to having with Maria's family since somehow I her mom wouldn't take a no for an answer but I guess I will stay for a while.

"This is really good Mrs. Romero." I said after taking an bite of Pollo Guisado which I know that is a chicken stew.

"Thank you it is a family recipe." She said.

"So Frankie what are you planning to do after highschool?" Mr.Romeo asked.

"I have no clue but I am just mostly planning to focus more on music."  I said.

"Music must be your passion isn't it?" He questioned.

"Yeah um my grandfather inspired me but yeah it is my passion."

"Wait hold up who's your grandfather because the last name feels familiar?" Thomas, Maria's older brother asks.

"Yeah, I guess he is a well-known Mexican singer but yeah whoever you are thinking about maybe it is him."  I spoke.

I love my grandfather but I feel like every time I talk about music or when it is brought up, his name gets mentioned and mostly if I want to have a great career in music then hopefully, I can make a name for myself without being known because of him.

Thomas nodded and went back eating his food while Mr. Romero keep asking me a lot of questions about things and other things that I wish people should really know that guys and girls can be friends just friends that's all.

"Can you please leave the boy alone?"  Mrs. Romero argued.

"I am just asking him questions, is there a problem with that? He asks in a defensive tone.

"The kids aren't even dating. Boy and girls can be friends." She says.

Mr. Romero scoffed. "You haven't forgotten your friend Ted ya swooned over?"

"Honey. he is my amigo. Best friend since diapers sweetheart." She argued back.

They started arguing with each other and I leaned over to Maria and whispered in her ear.

"Are your parents always like this?" I asks.

"No, they are not but they love each other so anyway." Maria whispered back.

"Have you guys kissed before?" Another female's voice teased.

The fact that I was expecting to be one of her brothers, but it was her sister.

"Selena that will never happen and besides we are just friends okay." Maria said.


After the dinner with her family,  me and Maria was outside of her house talking.

"Your family seems nice." I said.

"Yeah they are nice once you get know them more." She said.

I chuckled. "Yeah and I think your dad likes me minus the whole interrogation  thing that he was giving me."

"Yeah he is  a little overprotective."

"Really a little?"  I laughed and she laughs back.

"Okay maybe a lot but he is my father."

"Yeah I know and he is really a great father but anyway I got to go so goodnight."

"Goodnight Frankie."

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