Killer's Ex

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Blue wasn't at work today. Killer was cool with that. He didn't care that Blue wasn't here to annoy him or go on and on about something his brother did or a friend or even himself. No, Killer didn't miss that all. He was at lunch when he saw him. Outer. Killer narrowed his sockets. What was Outer doing here anyway? Didn't he work at the Aviary? Killer sighed. He supposed it was lunch. Even guys like him had to eat. Killer just hoped Outer wouldn't notice him. Too bad the opposite happened. "kills? is that you buddy?" Great.. Killer hitched up a smile. "hey outer, it's been awhile.." Outer invited himself into the booth next to Killer. "made any new friends?" Killer sighed. "you know the answer to that, outer. why are you here anyway?" Outer tilted his head. "you aren't still mad, are ya? just because i broke up with you, doesn't mean we can't be friends. please kills?" Killer closed his sockets. "i'm not mad." Outer perked. "really?!"
"i can't feel at all." Outer's smile quickly fell. "you relapsed... huh?" Killer shrugged. "it's better this way. why should i try if nobody else does." With that Killer excused himself and went back to work.


Killer had always had problems with his emotions. It came with the territory of his people problems. He was feared, shunned, shut out, so he shut himself out so he didn't have to deal with it. Then Outer had come along. Been his friend. Pulled him out of all of that. He'd been... happy... with Outer. They'd been together. He'd felt loved and he loved back. But then someone new came into the picture. Sci. Killer was fine with it at first, but he and Outer started drifting apart. He grew closer to Sci. Killer realized that Outer hadn't cared about him. Not anymore. That solidified when Outer broke up with him for Sci. They'd kept in contact for awhile, but eventually Outer just... stopped answering. Killer was left to the dark pit of his own dispare and quickly cut it out. Shoved his emotions away once more.
Until Blue came into the picture. His emotions have been getting hard to wrangle because of that little Skeleton and it scared Killer. He didn't want to be hurt again, ABANDONED again. But Blue was hard not to notice.


When Killer's shift ended, Outer was still there. "killer, we need to talk."
"we really don't." Killer stated bluntly, pushed out the doors of the restaurant. "Killer, You know this isn't healthy, please don't do this to yourself." Outer pleaded, following Killer. "i see nothing wrong with this, i'm merely protecting my wellbeing." Killer replied smoothly. "kills-"
"KILLER!" Well that wasn't a voice Killer wasn't expecting, but compared to Outer, it was welcomed. Killer and Outer both stopped and watched Blue run over. "I'M SORRY I WASN'T AT WORK TODAY, I HAD A DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT! WHO'S YOUR FRIEND?" Killer paused. "outer. he is outer." Blue smiled and held his hand out to Outer. "HI, I'M BLUE, KILLER'S COWORKER! I'VE BEEN KEEPING HIM FROM BEING SO LONELY!" Outer took his hand. "have you now? that's good! he could use the companionship."
"i really don't." Killer sighed and started walking. Blue was quick to catch up. Outer didn't follow. "You seemed uncomfortable in Outer's presence." Blue said as soon as they were out of ear shot. Killer didn't reply, but he had been. "WANNA GO TO THE PARK AND RELAX?" Killer looked at Blue. "is there such thing for a skeleton like you?"

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