Heart to Heart

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Blueberry was feeling much better today and it was thanks to Killer. He was very, utterly, extremely happy that Killer was his friend! He couldn't help much with Blue's brother problems, but Blue really didn't expect him to, that was between him and Stretch. Either way, point was Killer was finally opening up to him and he didn't want to screw it up. When he got to work, Killer was waiting outside for him, most of their coworkers staring fearfully at him. Blue ignored them. "GOOD MORNING KILLER! HOW ARE YOU TODAY!!?" Blue chirped as he ran up to his new friend. Killer smiled and tilted his head. "you are looking much better. i'm fine, getting used to this whole 'feeling' thing again." He responded as he opened the door for Blue. "WHY THANK YOU!" He and Killer went inside, the others muttering uneasily. Not that they noticed any. "you're welcome. did you talk to your brother?" Blue looked at Killer, sighing. "NOT YET, I HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE, I WAS HOPING TO DO IT TODAY, AFTER WORK." Killer hesitated a moment, "i can be there... for support... if you want." Blue's eyelights exploded into stars. "YES PLEASE!!"


Blue and Killer talked their entire work day, Blue started off admitting how happy he was for Killer to open up to him and that he was scared of screwing up like Outer did. He didn't know Killer and Outer's story, but there was enough clues for him to know that Outer screwed up. "... as long as you don't leave me alone, we'll be good blue." Killer replied honestly. "my plan really had been to give nobody another chance, so you're lucky." Blue swallowed thickly. "THAT... DOESN'T REALLY HELP KILLER.." Killer gave him an apologetic look. "sorry, never been good at reading the room. point is, i don't think you'll screw up." That on the other hand gave Blue a little bit of relief and he hugged Killer spontaneously. Killer... needed that hug. Because he was scared that he'd be left again. But he was giving Blue a chance which meant trusting Blue. "so then, about that talk with your brother. do you know what you're going to say? or if he'll be home?" Blue tightened his grip on Killer. "Yes... and I don't know. It's like I said... he doesn't like to talk to me so I don't know of he'll be there or not.." Killer hummed. "guess we'll just hope for the best then."


After work, Blue lead Killer to his place and looked for Stretch. He didn't have to look far, the younger was on the couch playing video games. "BROTHER, I'M HOME!" Blue called. "AND WE NEED TO TALK!" Stretch didn't pause his game. "about what bro? i apologized for worrying you." Blue shook his head. "YES YOU DID, BUT PLEASE, STOP THIS. TALK TO ME, STRECH!" Blue pleaded. "I want to help you.." Stretch glanced at Blue. "it's nothing, bro, don't worry about it." Killer found the cord to the TV and unplugged it, forcing Stretch out of his game. He wasn't ignoring this. "IT'S OBVIOUSLY NOT NOTHING IF YOU'RE DRINKING YOURSELF INTO OBLIVION! No matter what you say, I'm always going to worry... you're my little brother. If you could just talk to me... maybe I could help you..?" Stretch sighed, looking at his brother. "this... you can't help me with this, bro, nobody can." Blue glanced at Killer, who Stretch somehow hadn't noticed, and walked over to his brother and sat down beside him. "At least tell me what's going on with you, I want to be here for you." Stretch sighed heavily. "so it started before the remaining aus moved to the omega timeline, chara was not who they put themself out to be..."

What it is to Feel Again (Killerberry)Where stories live. Discover now