Chapter 3: He Lied

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I wake up and dad knocks on the door. I sit up and he comes in saying "I'm off to work and if you want you can stay home as long as you need alright." 

I smile and nod telling him "Yeah thanks dad." He smiles back and nods. I can feel his uncertainty and unease as he shuts the door. 

I know he must think I might have done something but how would he, I didn't even know about this, and my eyes widen as I think somehow, he knows what and why this happened. I think quick and decide to check everything that might have something about how this happened. 

I throw the covers off and I check to make sure he's gone before I go into his room. I look everywhere and I snap my fingers making everything go back to their place before going out the door shutting the door behind me. 

I scream punching the wall and it breaks apart. I pull my hand out looking at my hand which is broken, and I close my eyes. 

I open my now glowing eyes and put my other hand on top of the broken one healing it within a few seconds. I open and close it before looking at the hole in the wall. 

I put my hand to it and close my eyes concentrating. I open my eyes moving my hand away from the hole, which is now fixed, and I look around my house thinking on where he'd hide anything. 

My eyes widen slightly, and I think that it's impossible but then I remember that my dad somehow knows something so that makes me realize he's been faking that he didn't know about the supernatural. 

All this time he's pretended he knew nothing just like when I told him, but he denied it and that's all there is to it. He never wanted to believe and so he pretended it doesn't exist, maybe it had something to do with me.

 I make my way downstairs and I grab my keys going out the door. I walk to the jeep starting her up and I back out of the drive. I put the car in drive putting my foot to the gas and start the drive to the place I believe my dad hid what he knows about me.

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