Chapter 6: Your Choice

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It's been almost a week and I'm looking forward to hearing what they decide. I've been flying around the world making deals taking souls and all while the pack makes their decision, I'm getting stronger. 

I'm flying home when I get a text and I stop mid-air grabbing my phone to look at it. I see a text from Scott saying "Hey Sti, we've made our decision, meet us at Derek's loft."  

I smirk pocketing my phone and I flap my wings teleporting to the loft. Once in the loft I make my wings invisible and stand before the pack. 

I smirk saying "So, what'd you decide?" They all look to each other before they all look to me and Scott steps before me saying as they all wolf up "If you want to take the town, you'll have to go through us, all of us." 

I look over my shoulder hearing a gun getting armed and I see Chris as well as my dad aiming their guns at me. My smirk doesn't falter as I look at them moving to surround me and I say to them "You really think those guns will hurt me? 

Do you even know who I really am and if so, you have made the worst decision of your lives. . . Wait a second? How you get out, I didn't let you out?" 

Just then I feel a pain in my neck, and I flap my wings teleporting upstairs. I reach up realizing they tried poisoning me and I glare my now red eyes flapping my wings as I flick my wrist making the guns fly over to me. 

I continue to scowl as I warn them "NO MORE MR. NICE GUY!!!" I bring out my wings and show my true form letting my anger ignite my eyes. 

I roar making them fall holding their heads and I fly up moving my hands up making them fly up, holding their necks begging for breath. I slowly clench my hand into a fist closing their oxygen supply and I open my hand making them drop from the height of a few feet above the ground. 

I repeat this 6 times before flying up to Scott and grabbing him by the throat. He grabs my arms trying to free himself and I just smirk at him struggling. 

I bring him up to my face and I warn him with a scowl on my face "I'll gladly kill you all, if that's what you really want and if you change your mind, I'll let you live long enough to see the downfall of beacon hills." 

I let him drop to the ground and I continue "It doesn't really matter what you choose because I will destroy beacon hill, it's just whether or not you'll be around to see it. 

Taw, Taw and see you soon." I flap my wings and teleport to the beacon hills memorial hospital to begin the destruction of beacon hills.

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