Chapter 4: Never Worthless or Powerless Again

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I park the jeep seeing my dad's police cruiser and I debate on coming back later but I decide against it. I get out walking up to the door seeing the closed sign and I try to open the door but it's locked. 

I look inside before I put my hand over the lock, and it clicks. I open it and I walk over to the desk calling out "Deaton! Dad! Everything okay?" 

Deaton comes out and he says "Yes. What brings you here Stiles?" I look at him and ignore him asking "Where's my dad? And don't say he isn't here I saw his car." 

He continues staring at me and he repeats "What do want?" I act shocked at his display of aggression and say "Well Deaton, since you asked so nicely, I just wanted to see if Scott came by. So, he here?" 

He continues his stare and answers simply "No." I shrug and smile asking, "okay well is there anything you need help with since I'm here." 

He shakes his head no and turns his back walking to the back. I hold back my anger at his rudeness, and I shake my head opening the employee entrance. 

I say as I close it behind me "I'm coming in." I walk to see Deaton and right as I was about to ask where my dad is the hairs on my neck stand up. 

I bring my wings out but make them invisible and I wrap them around myself to protect myself. Right after I feel something brake coming in contact with my wings, and I turn opening my wings making them visible. 

I also let my eyes glow and I look at my father holding a needle, at least what's left of it. I scowl at him and tell him "What was it you were trying to do?" 

He looks at the needle and he look back up smiling. I give a confused look when my hairs stand on end again and I flap my wings teleporting to the back wall in a blink of an eye. 

I see Deaton with a similar shot, and I flap again grabbing Deaton putting him in a choke hold as I warn him "You drop the needle and I let go. You try anything other than that I snap your neck, got it?" He nods as best he can, and he drops the needle. 

I let him go and push him away from the needle on the floor. I hide my wings again as I bend down picking it up and I look at it. 

I take it and I push some of the contents out on an examination table. I look at it and I then smell it and instantly I stand up with a disgusted look. 

I look at them as I say, "Trying to poison me?" They look at each other and dad steps forward saying, "Stiles please, we can help." 

I smirk and glow my eyes telling him "What makes you think I want your help. I feel more like myself, I always knew something was wrong, but I never knew what until after the Nogitsune and I wish I could thank him because if it wasn't for him, I would still be the skinny defenseless human. 

The only thing I was good at was making plans or figuring things out. Not anymore, I'm NEVER going back to being worthless and powerless. I'm going to pick off where I left off all those years ago and I'm not going to let anyone get in my way. 

I've waited for far too long and I truly am sorry but you both are a liability. I can't let you warn Scott or anyone and you know what that means." 

I lift my hand and glow my eyes. I put my fingers in position to snap them and I say "I am sorry, but I've waited for too long to let you screw it up and don't worry I'm not killing you because I want everyone, I know to see the downfall. I want everyone to see greatness and the power I hold." 

I snap my fingers sending them to a place until the time is right and I leave the building. I snap my fingers sending the car to the same place and I get into the jeep driving home. 

I wake up feeling better than ever and I look at my phone seeing a text saying "Hey Sti, there's a pack meeting and it's important so get to Derek's loft asap." I get up and change my clothes before grabbing my keys. I exit the house, and I walk to my jeep. I start her up going to the loft and wonder what's so important.

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