Chapter 5: Decisions, Decisions

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I park the jeep going into the building and I go into the loft seeing everyone already here. I smile saying "So, what's so important?" Scott walks up to me and hands me his phone. I squint my eyes in confusion and I look at the phone. 

My eyes widen at the text, and I tense my jaw looking up at him. He takes his phone saying "Why would Deaton send this Stiles? Why does it say if anything happens to him or anyone else it was you?" 

I look down thinking but I don't see any way out of it and so I decide it's time to begin. I drop the facade and smirk letting my eyes glow. 

Scott jumps back making me laugh and I tell him "Because out of anyone here I have more blood on my hands than even Peter. I have years and years of blood. I also have the most bodies stacked and people even kill in my name." 

I can feel the confusion and I smirk even bigger as I look at Lydia and state something in archaic Latin that only she can understand "Ascendam in caelos, levabo thronum meum super astra Dei, sedebo in monte testamenti, in excelsis de monte Zaphon. meipsum sicut Altissimum." 

Her eyes widen and the smirk on my face widens. I then translate what I said so the rest of the pack can understand "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." 

I pause to let that sink in then I continue "So you all get to be my witnesses to my greatness and if you bow before me, I'll let you live, if not and you decide to rebel against me, I'll kill everyone you love." I stand there and wait for their decision. 

I decide I'll give them a week to decide, and I say "I'll give you 1 week to decide and the majority of what you choose will decide the fate of not just the people you care about, but all of beacon hills. Taw, taw for now." 

I bring my wings out and I flap them, flying from the loft. I fly as high as I can while keeping the town of Beacon Hills below and I stay in mid-air above them all. 

I look down at the town actually feeling bad about destroying it and I fly around until I head to the loft to get the jeep to drive home.

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