Chapter 7: Memories

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I land just outside, and I go in making my wings invisible. I walk in and after a while of walking I come across Melissa, and I snap my fingers to force everyone to fight one another. 

I watch a smirk plastered on my face and I turn to leave when the pack enters the hall from all sides. I look to each and every one of them. I look over my shoulders, straight ahead and to the sides. 

I look forward to Scott and say my smirk not faltering "Interesting approach. It must have taken forever to think of this. While I knew you would do the most obvious of all battle tactics and so I was waiting here for you to show up, so I can rub how much more superior I am to you." 

I get ready for the attack but when it doesn't come and Scott steps forward saying "We're not here to fight you, we're here to talk. Please explain it to us." 

I get out of my attack/defense position and smirk telling them "I'll do one better, I'll show you." 

I snap my fingers and they all fall to the ground one by one. I decide to let them see everything and it'll take a while, so I think I'll come back after a few hours.

*So just in case you're wondering this video was made by me for this story and I wanted to make a video showing what he shows them. 

So yeah, if you want to see more, I plan on making more edits and I've recently been making a miniseries based off of how to train your dragon. 

That's all I have as of right now but I'm planning on making more edits so yeah, I'll let you continue reading and enjoy. :) ;)



I come back as they start waking back up and I go over crouching in front of Scott as he starts waking up, I say "How was it? Make sense now." 

He just glares at me and after everyone stands up, I stand looking to each of them before I say, "Any questions?" Scott's jaw drops and he goes off telling me "You're kidding me! WHAT WAS THAT!!!!" 

I smirk rolling my eyes as I start telling my long story "Well you saw me, the me I used to be. That me died at the same time I was born so that version died, and this is the new me. 

It complicated. How it works and even I don't really know how it actually works but when the Nogitsune thing happened, I remembered who I was. 

You remember when I fainted that was when I remembered, and I knew that if you knew you might kill me, so I played dumb. Pretended to be me as the me you all know as Stiles when that isn't the case anymore. 

The human Stiles is no more and even though I know who I was, that doesn't mean we're the same. I'm not Stiles, not anymore and well that also means I don't know you even if I do. 

Also, that won't matter because on top of the memories of being Stiles, I also have my memories of my old life and those memories are the real me, I'm never going to be the same Stiles you knew hell that's not even my name. 

I go many but call me Lucifer that's one everyone knows and also don't try to stop me, or I'll personally send you six feet under." I bring out my wings and flap them disappearing never to return to beacon until I've gained enough power to wipe out the town.



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