Camping Trip, Part 1

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"No saying senpai?" Honoka stared at Eli in shock and confusion, as did the other girls. I just looked away to think about my own things, since I blacked out the day before, I've felt more distant with the girls, like when we first met. I just felt like my feelings had its hard drive wiped away. I don't know why I feel this, It might just be better to distance myself from them for a bit whilst they relax and I.... I don't know, read or something.

------1 hour later------

We arrived at Maki's holiday home, which was a lot bigger than I expected.
"This place looks amazing, Maki-Chan!"
Once again, Honoka was shocked
"Yeah! You can really tell her family's loaded!" Maki then went on to explain how it's 'nothing out of the ordinary' or something dumb like that, but I didn't hear because I was just marvelling at the size of the holiday home.
We all went inside and looked for our rooms, I chose one on the 3rd floor on my own, but it seemed like Maki also wanted it too. "Maki-Chan, do you wanna sleep in here, because I can just find another room if you do."
"N-No, you can have it, I don't want it."
"Are you sure? Your face says otherwise." When she saw I took her room she looked disappointed.
"Fine, maybe I do want it, but you can have it."
"No, I'll go on the 2nd floor."
I started walking down the stairs when Maki stopped me,
"H-Hey, (Y/N)-San, t-thank you for letting me keep this r-room." Maki was a tsundere so I didn't expect her to actually admit that, and by the look on my face, I know she knew that. I was just staring at her blankly.
"Your welcome." I then went down the stairs and picked a different room.
When I had picked my room again, Eli decided we should all sleep on the floor in sleeping bags in the main room, I would prefer to be in a room, but whatever. Later on, we decided to go to the beach, but not to have fun, according to Umi, they had to do: 10km swimming, 10km running, 20 sit ups
and other things that would take at least 4 hours each to complete. "Hey, what about the beach?!" Honoka shouted at Umi. "What about me?" It took me a second to understand what she meant.
"No! Not you, the beach!" Honoka pointed to the beach and Umi look surprised then pointed to where it said 10km swimming. Rin then grabbed Umi's hand and pointed somewhere random, as the other girls ran towards the beach. I went over to a nearby sunbed, and a few minutes later Maki joined me. We both sat there for a while reading when Nico sat down next to us and attempted to cross her legs like we did and failed. Eventually she got hit in the face by a beach ball and joined in with the girls. After a little bit though, I fell asleep. I was in a train station, with 9 other people whose faces I couldn't make out, but I could tell they were crying, I wanted to help them but couldn't, I didn't know why they were crying but I knew I needed to help. But I couldn't move, I was stranded, frozen in place. I tried to shout for help but I received no answer, I shouted one last time for the people I care for most. My voice was weak, my throat hurting. "Help, please, anyone." I then woke up to the sound of talking. "Will he be alright?"
"I think so, he was probably just having a bad dream." I couldn't make out who was talking for a moment, as I was still waking up. Then, I opened my eyes to see Kotori and Hanyo staring at me.
"Kotori-Chan? Hanayo-Chan? What happened?" I sat up straight to the sound of a cup hitting the floor, I must have accidentally knocked it over.
"You fell asleep earlier and started shouting for a few minutes, then you were saying stuff like 'help me' so I brought you inside and helped take care of you for a few hours and Hanyo helped." I'm not sure how Kotori learnt this, but I'm grateful nonetheless.
"Thanks Kotori-Chan, you too Hanayo-Chan." I gave them a sincere smile and looked around. I noticed the other girls weren't here. "Hey, where are the others?"
"Don't worry! Nozomi and Maki are out shopping and the others are setting the beds up." That's the most energetic I've seen Hanayo in a while.
It was getting late, so when I got up I had a shower and we went to eat dinner. I know I said I felt distant with the girls before I came, but now I don't anymore, I'm not sure why but that dream gave me hope on what's to come, even though it was a bad dream, that could just be one of my shower thoughts though.
I went downstairs afterwards and saw the girls waiting for me at the table with a delicious looking stew resting on it. "H-Hanayo, why are you the only one with your rice in a bowl?" Eli said to her, which got me looking at Hanayo's food, a normal stew like ours with a bowl of rice on the side, weird.
"Please don't let it bother you." She clasped her hands together and started eating. Honoka then spoke,
"You're such a good cook, Nico-Chan!"
Wait, Nico cooked this? I had no idea she could make food this nice!
"Nico-Senpai, you really made all this?"
After saying that I got stared at by all of the girls. "Sorry, I mean Nico-Chan."
"Anyway, yes I made it myself!" Nico then smiled smugly as Kotori said something about Nico not being able to cook, and Nico acted like a normal spoon was too heavy for her to hold. I was barely listening as I was gulping down my food. I started shovelling the food into my mouth, Jeez this was nice!
I'm not sure what's better, Nico's cooking, or Nozomi's breakfast!
"(Y/N)-Kun, aren't you eating a little too much? You'll get fat!" Honoka definitely didn't know what she was talking about, and Umi helped me out by scolding Honoka on her own eating habits. Afterwards, I just jumped onto the couch and layed down, Honoka did the same on the couch opposite me.
"You'll become a cow if you lie down right after eating." Umi scolded Honoka again. "I hear that enough from my mom. I don't need to hear it from you too, and anyway, (Y/N)-Kun's doing it too!" Was she trying to shift the blame to me, or just being dumb?
"Let's set off some fireworks, nya!" I was quite surprised Rin came up with an idea like that, not like she couldn't, but it's just a weird idea. After that, the girls started arguing about dishes, fireworks and practice. After listening to them arguing for a while, Nozomi came up with an idea. "Let's have practice early tomorrow morning, and we can set off fireworks tomorrow night." Wait, launching fireworks is actually legal without permission?! Unless it's just a trash joke. But all the girls besides Honoka, who was out like a light, agreed on it. "We should bathe now, remember (Y/N)-Chi, no peeking!" Nozomi was back to teasing me again.
"I would never!"
"Not that I'd mind if you did~" That made me turn redder than a tomato on fire.
"W-what, n-no what does that e-even mean?" I was stuttering in embarrassment now, why couldn't they just go already!?

Finally, they went and I enjoyed my peace and quiet while reading on the couch. I had another nap when I finished reading, this time it wasn't a nightmare, or a dream. I was at the train station again, this time nobody was crying. This time I could see their faces. It was μ's, we were all stood together holding each other's hands watching the sunset. "You know." Honoka started speaking and everyone looked at her. "You know, the seven of us got together and talked about what we would do going foward, about what to do with μ's once Nozomi-Chan, Nico-Chan and Eli-Chan graduate." What was happening right now?
"Each of us came up with our own answer. It turns out it was all the same. Everyone had the same answer! So, that's what we've decided to do." The others all looked at her, as if they knew what she would say next. "I'm gonna say it!" What is this? Where am I? "One..." Honoka tried to say something but couldn't. Why are we here? I felt myself bring dragged into the real world again. I was so close to hearing what she had so say.
"After the competition, μ's will..."
I opened my eyes to see the glare of the lights above me, how long has it been?
But whatever was happening in that dream, I know it won't come true, I just know it. The girls were just coming back in with their towels on.
"Ahhh, (Y/N)-San! You missed it, we were talking about our next song!" Eli grinned at me. I just looked away and went to lie down in bed. Whatever that dream was, it felt real, but I didn't want it to be real.

--------Authors Note--------

You know what episode I'm foreshadowing, right? Anyway, the next chapter will be less serious and more of the fun stuff like pillow fight and stuff. But the question is, will (Y/N) survive Umi's pillow wrath next chapter? I have no clue yet because I haven't wrote it yet. Also it was annoying for me to write words like couch because I'm british, so if you see any posh tea words that's why. Ok, fr tho if you see an American word spelt weird that's why.

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