Stranded With The 2nd Years?!

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"It's the sea!"
"Jeez. Stop shouting my name like that!"
I chuckled. It's been a while since it's been just me and the 2nd years, if ever.
"The sea in Okinawa is as clear and blue as you'd expect!" Kotori marvelled at the sea. To be honest, I don't blame her. It did look really nice.
"So let's jump in on the count of two!" Wait, what?
"All right."
Honoka grabbed both mine and Umi's hands, and Kotori grabbed my other hand.
"Here we go!"
"Honoka-Chan! Wai-"
She pulled us all in, and we laughed as the salt went to our eyes and mouths.
"Honoka-Chan, you really should tell us when doing that!"
I spluttered between spitting out the water.
"I did! (Y/N)-Kun, you meanie!"
She pouted at me, which was pretty cute. I feel bad now.
"Fine. I-I'm sorry, Honoka-Chan!"
I turned to look at her with a big grin on her face.
She splashed water at my face, but luckily, I covered the main area the water hit.
"You little-"
She threw more at me, a direct hit.
"OK, I see how it is!"
I laughed and threw some water back at her. Most of it missed as I slipped over and ended up headfirst in the ocean, but some still managed to hit her.
"Fufufu~ (Y/N)- Kun, you could never beat me!"
She stood proud, although a minute later, Kotori came from behind her and pushed her head into the water as well.
"That's unsafe."
Umi was standing away from all of us, for some reason.
"Umi-Chan! Come join us!"
I ran over to her, but she turned away from me and covered her body.
"No! It's too shameless for a girl to do things like that with a boy in public!"
I tilted my head.
"Really? I don't think so. Besides, who cares?"
I grinned and splashed a bit of water her way.
"F-fine, I guess I could try."
Honoka and Kotori rushed over and took their opportunity of me being distracted to throw lots of water at me. It all landed in my face. They were sneaky.


"So... Why is it raining!"
"They're saying the island could take a direct hit by the typhoon."
I sighed. It started raining not long after we left the beach and hasn't stopped since.
"Ehh? What happened to the sun and the beach?"
I was laying on my bed, the top one, and almost fell down when I raised my hand up to say that.
"You'll have to forget about those."
Umi coldly replied.
"No way! We're on a high school trip!"
"Yeah!" Honoka added.
"It's a once-in-a-lifetime event!"
Honoka leered over Kotori's phone.
"Stay away... Stay away..." she started waving her hands at it as if it would suddenly disappear. Well, she'd done it once before, so it's not like there's a 0% chance it won't happen.
"Honoka-Chan, I don't think that would do anything." I said.
"Oh yeah, you're right!"
She stood up and looked at the window.
"Stay away... Stay away..." She then started waving her hands at the window.
"That's not what I... whatever."
Honoka's phone started ringing, and she fumbled it out of her pocket.
"It's Eli-Chan. Hello?"
I couldn't hear what Eli was saying, but judging by Honoka's reaction, she mentioned the weather.
"Think you're funny?"
"So? What's up?"
Umi, Kotori, and I all looked over to her to try and hear what was going on.
"That does sound like a good idea!"
Hmm... It was probably about the show at the fashion event we planned.
Honoka started pacing back and forth.
"Who would be the right person for this?"
Honoka looked surprised as she hung up the phone and turned to face us.
"So, what did she say?" I asked.
"She said she thinks Rin-Chan should be the centre."
"Really? That's something I want to see!"
Seeing Rin lead the group for once is a thing that'll only happen once.

We spent most of the day in our room playing cards, which Umi was terrible at. Her facial expressions gave it all away. Kotori was playing it with me, and Honoka was sleeping and being her usual self.
"Do you think they'll be able to do it on their own?" Honoka randomly asked. She was lying upside down on the bed, so it looked like she was hanging.
"I'm sure they'll be fine. What could possibly go wrong, right?" Umi answered


"This time, I won't lose!"
Umi held the cards in front of her confidently.
Kotori held her hand over a card, and Umi frowned. It was obviously her card. She was so bad at this.
"Maybe this one..."
Kotori held her hand over the other card, and Umi's face lit up. She DEFINITELY needed to try harder to hide which card is which.

otori quickly shifted her hand back to the first one, and Umi looked distraught.
"Maybe we should go to bed." Kotori offered.
Just then, the door opened, and one of the teachers was standing there.
"What's going on?" Kotori asked.
"I am extremely sorry, but our flight back had to be canceled, we'll be returning back at a later date."
The teacher bowed before closing the door.
"Damn it, we're gonna miss the live!"
"Yeah..." Honoka was looking at the floor. She must've been looking forward to it too.
"Looks like it'll just be the 6 of them, then. I'm interested to see how it'll turn out." Umi nodded.

--------The Next Day--------

"The weather? It's still pouring. Do you think the event will go, okay?"
Honoka was on the phone to Eli again while Umi, Kotori, and I were making a card tower, and we carefully placed each one. It was starting to get big.
The tower fell apart. It looks like I spoke too soon.
"N-No, good luck!"
Kotori looked up from patting Umi's head, and I think she noticed Honoka's distress, too.

We were in the empty cafeteria of the hotel, and Honoka was outside taking a phone call, I assumed to Eli.
"If you'll excuse me, I'll head back to the room early."
Umi got up and left, leaving Kotori and I being the last two in the room.
We both looked at each other awkwardly and glanced around the room.
I must've surprised her with my quick answer because she almost dropped her glass of water on the floor. Luckily, I caught it just in time.
"I like you, (Y/N)." She mumbled, or at least I think she did.
"What was that?"
"I said, I thank you! That's all!"
I nodded, and we went back to sitting in an awkward silence.
We weren't like that for long, as Honoka came running back to us.
"Guys! I just spoke to Hanayo, and Rin might still be the centre after all!"
"Really? That's great!"
"I think we should get going back to our room now, I'm tired." Kotori squeaked.
She seemed flustered. Did I say something wrong?
We all went back like she asked, and I fell asleep without any disturbances.

"We're µ's, the school idols of Otonokizaka Academy!"
Rin was standing on the stage with a really pretty white dress, it really made her stand out like I've never seen her before, and made her look super cute, too.
The four of us were crowded around the screen watching the live.
"Thank you so much. Um, we have nine members, but only six of us could be here to perform today. Still... we'll try to channel the spirit of the other three as we sing."
That sentence made me smile. It reminded me just how much the girls look out for each other.
"Alright! Please watch as we perform at our loveliest!"
The music began, and the other five girls were wearing a suit dress combo, I have to admit, I did like it.
"I have to say, Rin and Hanayo look like a couple in this song. Are you guys sure they aren't... well... y'know..."
The others were too dazzled by the performance to notice my yuribait comment.
In the end, I, too, found myself glued to the screen watching every second of the performance. It really goes to show that µ's can put on an amazing performance with only six members, but they shine way brighter with all of them.


"Man, that performance was amazing!"
"It really was!"
We were discussing our opinions on the performance that took place, not long ago, when the teacher opened the door again.
"Sorry to interrupt you all, but your flight has been rescheduled to early tomorrow. Is that fine with you all?"
Honoka's face lit up. She probably couldn't wait to talk to the other members about how good they were, and I fully agree with her.

--------Authors Note--------

I haven't forgotten about this. Don't worry I've just been focused on my Rika fic right now which is coming to an end soon

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