New year, same µ's

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I jumped out of my bed and got ready. I was meeting Nozomi later to help her out at the shrine for a bit.
It's the last day of the year, so I should enjoy it. After all, this year has completely changed my life.
And to think, it all started because I fell asleep while eating lunch. I physically cringed, remembering those times. It was like I was a poorly written character with no coherent personality or something.
Anyway, I digress.
I continued reminiscing on the past year, like the time Nozomi washi washi'd me for the first time and I cried like a little bitch. I wonder how I'd react if she did it to me now. I'd probably be having a hard time figuring out what to do. I guess not all of last year was me being cringe, like when we went on that vacation to Paris a while back, for some reason. Although some of it was... interesting, so say the least, it was mostly enjoyable. From there, I think everything started getting good.

It seems I've lost track of time.
"Well... woops..."
I fell asleep and woke up at 23:58, meaning I'd missed the time I was supposed to help Nozomi out at the shrine. Who knows how she'll react... Oh well, there's only one way to find out.
                               So uh, I fell asleep,
                              I'm on my way now.
                                                     ----- Me

Okay, see you
in a few, then!
---- Nozomi


Around 15 minutes later, I arrived at the shrine.
"(Y/N)-Chi, you finally made it!"
Nozomi smiled at me.
"I thought you'd be mad about me being late..."
"Well, you're helping me out because you felt like it. If I asked you to do it, I probably would be, but you're doing this off your own back."
"Anyway, can you carry these boxes for me? Nico-Chi is already putting some away."
I nodded as she put them in my hand.
"Also, I've got something to tell you after we're done. In around 2 hours or so, meet me just behind the shrine, K?"
It was a strange request, but if Nozomi was asking, I would be stupid to say no.
"One more thing..."
I turned to look at her, and she smiled at me again.
"Happy New Year."
I was taken off guard by her sudden pretty smile. I got flustered for a moment.
"H-Happy New Year..."
Not wanting Nozomi to notice me being flustered, I tried to flee the scene, but I heard a familiar voice call out.
"There you are!"
Honoka, the first years, and the second years, came running over.
"Oh. Happy New Year."
"You too!"
Nozomi greeted them with a smile, too.
"You look busy."
Kotori didn't notice me, and it seemed like the other girls didn't either. If they saw us, then there's a chance they'd assume something. Wait, what am I even thinking?!
"It's like this every year. But I have helpers this year."
I awkwardly walked into the open and smiled sheepishly.
"H-Happy New Year."
"Nozomi! Do I take this over there?"
Nico stumbled towards us, with a box about as big as her head.
Rin called out to her, startled her, and she dropped the box.
"What?! You guys came?!"

"You actually look cute for once, Nico!"
I chuckled at my own comment slightly. She did rock the shrine ponytail quite well.
"Y-You think?"
It seems she didn't get the 'for once' joke.
Rin suddenly pushed Maki forward, who I hadn't noticed until now, was wearing a yukata.
"You could totally make a traditional Japanese duo with Maki-Chan!"
"That's it!"
Honoka slammed her fist on her hand.
"Don't be silly!"
Maki cried out.
"Oh, hi, everyone."
Eli walked out from the shrine wearing a shrine Maiden outfit, too. She looked amazing in it. Admittedly, I got a little red from it.
"Y-You l-look great..."
I struggled to find the words to describe this feeling.
"You're so cool!"
Hanayo, Honoka, and Rin looked in awe.
Rin jumped upwards.
"Eli-Chan! Let's take a photo together!"
"I can't. I'm busy right now. Nozomi, you should hurry up, too."
"Yeah, I know."
So Eli was helping too, huh?
Nozomi notioned for them to help her go to wherever it was she needed to go, so Eli and Nico went along, I decided to stay back with the first and second years.
"See you later!"
We all watched them leave before returning to a conversing.
"They get along so well!"
"They're like sisters, nya!"
"But they barely have 3 months left as third year's."
Hanayo reminded us of that dreadful fact. In 3 months, what will become of µ's? In fact, what will become of me? The third years have helped me so much in my day to day life, especially Nozomi, so without them, I might struggle a little. Although I guess them graduating school doesn't mean we can't all hang out still.
"Hanayo, we promised not to talk about that until Love Live is over."
Umi scolded her.
Honoka suddenly ran foward.
"One reason we made it this far was because we were motivated to win Love Live for the third year's! Let's keep it up until the end!"
Me, as well as the other girls, smiled at her. Until the end. That's what we promised. We'd see µ's out until the end.

Now, speaking of the third years, it was almost time for me to find out what Nozomi wanted to tell me.
I wonder what it could be. The obvious choice, and what you're all probably thinking it is, is a confession, but didn't she already do that in the wishing star chapter?

Uh... I mean... I don't know what that is...

I wonder what it could be. It was probably going to be something anticlimactic, but... the feeling was still there... what if...? No, surely not, right...? What if it was a confession? How would I react? I'd obviously accept right? But, I haven't given my answer to the other girls that did.

My crisis had eaten more time than I thought, and I now had 5 minutes to go to our meeting spot.
I walked over there and saw she was already waiting.
The fireworks show has just started, too, and the lights illuminated around us.
"(Y/N)-Chi, you wanna know why I asked you to come here?"
I could feel my heart beating faster as we locked eyes.
"Can I do something stupid?"
Nozomi smiled at me, then walked over to me and kissed me.
I didn't try to pull away, I instead kissed her back. It felt nice.
Not long after, she pulled away and looked at me, smiling.
"You know how I feel about you after that. I'll give you until graduation to think about it."
Sh-She just... confessed...
Looking at it, it was pretty obvious... but...
She put a finger over my mouth, still grinning.
"Tell me at graduation."
I nodded, and she moved her hand away.
"That was my first kiss... thank you."
"Mine too."
We both stood awkwardly, blushing and looking at each other.
"Well.. we should go back and find the others, shouldn't we?"
"Y-Yeah... let's go..."
We both walked in silence through the shrine. The lights illuminated us and our surroundings, the fireworks looking beautiful. It truly was romantic. I guess... graduation is when I make the ultimate choice.

--------Authors Note--------

Well, it looks like I COULD get another chapter out, 2 in 1 day, ya'll are spoilt. (Jk, this is just me returning the 3 month wait)
I wanted Nozomi's confession to be an important and special one, as she probably is the most important and developed µ's girl in this fic, which I don't even know how that happened, I guess she's just... I don't know. The most accessible for a lot of situations? Either way, I hope I made the confession scene nice for you all, and now you all have a countdown to when I have to write inevitably 10+ endings. I'm going on a bit of a rant now, so I'll end you off with a final message.
µ'sic forever!!!!!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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