The City Of Love

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I woke up to knocking the next day. I sighed and sleepily got out of bed, I slowly opened the door and Nozomi was standing on the other side.
"What time is it?"
"4:30." Nozomi stupidly replied.
"What the hell are you doing waking me up at this time?" I slammed the door on her face, only for her to put her leg in the way of it.
"(Y/N)-Chi, don't make me drag you out myself."
"Fine, give me 5 minutes to get ready."
I closed the door and attempted to go back to sleep. Before I could though, Nozomi picked me up and pulled me towards the door. I forgot Maki asked if the keys would open all 3 of the doors.
"Wait! Let me actually get ready then!"
"If you take longer than 5 minutes I'll washi washi you!"
I was still half asleep and when I opened the Closet door, I put on a random red training shirt and a pair of blue trousers I didn't know I had.
(A/N: I'm not American but for you guys they're called pants.)

Nozomi took one look at me and burst out laughing.
That was loud enough to somehow wake Honoka but not the other 2.
"What's going on? (Y/N)-Kun, why are you wearing my training clothes?"
I looked down and saw, that's why I didn't remember having them, it's because I didn't. I somehow ended up putting on Honoka's clothes!
"Shit, guys don't look, just turn and face the wall or something."
I took off Honoka's training clothes, and put on a new pair of my own clothes this time, I did double check this time, just incase.
"Ok, I'm done, you can look now."
"On that note, (Y/N)-Chi, we better get going."
We both said goodbye to Honoka and left the room.
"So where are we going now?"
I was the one asking this time.
"I'm not sure, what about that same restaurant, or the park near it, I can show you where it is." Did she research it or something?
"I guess let's go there."
We headed over to the park, and not long after, we made it, it was much bigger than I thought. We decided to sit down on a nearby bench.
"So (Y/N)-Chi, let's continue where we left off yesterday."
"You were talking about how you felt about... well everything."
"Yeah, I think yesterday I realised what was making the problems worse."
"What was it?"
"I realised it was me neglecting my feelings, hence why they keep getting worse."
"I see, I have an idea then. You should exercise more, and also whenever you think those thoughts, just think like: is that really true? And challenge them. Eventually they'll go if you try that."
"Good idea. Thank you Nozomi-Chan, this helped."
"I'm glad it did! Anyway we should head back now."
We got up and went back to the hotel. When I checked the clocks next, it was 5:30. Jeez, we were out for an hour!?
Atleast that gave me more time to sleep.
But it turned out, I wouldn't get that luxury, because Honoka was awake. She couldn't go back to sleep and needed something to do, so I stayed awake for her.
"Say, (Y/N)-Kun, did you ever think about rejecting my confession?"
I shook my head.
"Not even for a second!"
"That's... Good to hear. But (Y/N)-Kun, I want to know, why did you not say no straight away, or at all?"
"Well, I would've most definitely said yes. But the time just didn't feel right, if you know what I mean."
"Yeah. I wanted to ask, how's the relationship with Nozomi-Chan going?"
I shot up and blushed.
"What?! There's not anything going on between us, she was just helping me get over something. That's all."
Honoka nodded and went to sleep again, leaving me awake when I stayed up so she could have company to begin with!
Even though she was asleep, I still needed to say one last thing to her.
"Don't overwork yourself, ok? Get some rest. Goodnight, or morning or whatever Honoka-Chan. Why am I even talking to myself?" She was sleeping on the floor, that must've been uncomfortable, so I did the reasonable thing and picked her up and carried her into her bed.
"Like I said, goodnight Honoka-Chan, I need some rest aswell. So I'm just gonna go bac-" I went to sleep.

When I woke up, Honoka was still asleep infront of me, and I had my arms around her, as if I was hugging her or something during my nap. I was so tired, I fell asleep on her bed with her!
I lifted my arms from Honoka and rubbed my eyes. Was the sun always there? Of course it was, why did I even ask that?
I slowly rolled out of bed to see Kotori holding a camera pointed straight at us.
"Kotori-Chan? What're you doing?"
She laughed and held the camera to her face.
"You two look good together!"
"Kotori-Chan, give me that camera right now!"
"Come and get it then!" She ran out of our room and went into the first year's room. I immediately turned around and went the other day. What I saw in there wasn't something I would like to remember unless I had to.
Hanayo was... well wearing a towel, and when she saw me she got so suprised she dropped it. And you know the rest, but I left the room before I could see anything.

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