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Disclaimer: I don't own anyone except Ruby Oakley. The rest belongs to BBC Doctor Who.

Note: Ruby's entire general storyline is based off of seasons 5, 6, and 7. If you haven't seen all of those, I suggest you watch them before reading this, as this book is basically one big bundle of spoilers. Obviously it's your choice, but I do recommend seeing the seasons first since there's some places where you don't see everything that happens, which is where you'd need the advantage of knowing what's going on. Thank you for your time! Read on!

"Dear Santa. Thank you for the doll, and the pencil. And the fish. It's... Easter now, so I hope I didn't wake you. But obviously, it is an emergency. There is a... crack in my wall." Amelia looked up at the crack in her wall and my eyes followed to the same destination.

I was spending the night at Amelia Pond's house, and she had insisted on her little ritual with Santa, so I joined in, sitting on her bed while she knelt by it.

"Aunt Sharon says it's just an ordinary crack, but... I know it's not, because at night there's voices. So could you please, please send someone to fix it. Like a repair man, or a police man, or..." She trailed off, thinking hard.

There was a strange noise from outside and we both looked up. I jumped up and ran to the window with my flashlight and a bag of gummy bears that we'd taken from the pantry.

"Back in a moment," I heard Amelia say. She was soon at my side as we crowded together at the window, the cold from the glass radiating on our faces. I gripped the flashlight and bag of gummy bears tightly as we stared at what used to be an old shed, but was now a blue box that said POLICE on it on it's side.

We looked at each other and smiles grew on our faces. Quick as a flash, we had our boots and jackets on. Amelia grabbed her flashlight and we clambered down the stairs, constantly giggling and shushing each other even though there was no one around to hear us. Her aunt was out, which was why we kept getting food from the pantry and playing hide and seek around the house.

We herded each other through the doorway and arch of greenery, past the lone swing, and to the police box. We both shone our flashlights on it, and exchanged another look before being startled by the doors bursting open and steam rising from inside.

An anchor flew out, catching on something behind us. After rather a tense moment, a man's head popped out of the box with wet hair and a goofy smile on his face. We all stared at each other for a second, and then he spoke up.

"Can I have an apple?"

Amelia and I stared at him, and each other. Then him, then back at each other. When we looked back to him, I tilted my head to the side curiously.

"I love apples," he continued. "I think I'm having a craving! That's new, I've never had cravings before!" He said happily. He swung one leg over the side of the box, and swiped his hand at the smoke coming from the box. "Wow, look at that!" He said. Amelia stared at him in disbelief. "I was in the library," he explained. "All the way down there. Hell of a climb back up!"

"You're all wet," I said randomly. I don't like speaking much. Amelia usually does the talking.

"I was in the swimming pool," he answered like this fact was obvious. I furrowed my eyebrows on confusion.

"You said you were in the library." He nodded impatiently.

"Yeah and there was a swimming pool," he insisted convincingly. Amelia turned off her flashlight and relied on mine as she folded her arms.

"Are you a police man?" She demanded.

"Why?" He looked at her closely. "Did you call a police man?"

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