It obviously bothered Luke that Blake would even cheat on Emma. Like who would do that to her. She was so precious and quirky. Luke stopped to think about Emma. Did he possibly catch feelings for her ?
"Noo " Luke whispered to herself
In the middle of this Calum came into the room.
"Hey lover boy" he cheerfully greeted
"Lover boy ?" Luke questioned
He didn't understand how he would be lover boy.
"Yea you know um you and Emma ," Cal said
"But were not even together Calum, "
"Luke we all know you like her and im positive she likes you back ,"
"Calum I don't like her, "
"Fine can i date her then ?"
"NO MAN !!"
"Im just saying if you dont make a move i totally am ," "when are you meeting her anyway ?"
"No you can't date her and im meeting her tomorrow, "
"Oo are u going to her house, "
"No were to out to eat then in bringing her over so dont make a mess ,"
"Awe Luke is embarrassed, "
"Mate get out ,"
And so Calum lefy chuckling at Luke for clearly liking Emma but doesn't want to admit it.
Luke kept thinking and every single one of the band members came into his room and talked to him about them being on their best behavior for Emma.
~texts between Luke and Emma ~
Yes Luke
Are you ready for tomorrow?
I guess but im nervous for meeting the band
Awe Emmy Love no need to worry
Luke what if they dont like me
Are you kidding i already have Calum wanting to ask you out
But everyone is Calum af
No not you ur mine
Fine Lukey stop getting jelly ok ?
Im afraid you'll be better friends with them instead of me
That can never happen okay Luke i promise that I'll always stick by your side k ?
You called me Luke but thank you
Awe sorry Lukey . Love you goodnight see you tomorrow! :)
Goodnight Emmy Love . Love you too
And Luke knew that Emma didn't love him but yet he didn't love her at least not in that way yet.
But Luke knew he knew that in the moment he met Emma he will love her so much no doubt about it.

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal