Emma laughed at Calum but she looked over at Luke who already was attacking Calum. She stood there laughing because when do you ever get to see Luke Hemmings attacking Calum Hood. As she stood there laughing Ashton walked in.
"Ahh so you must be Emmy Love ,"
"Hey i only call her that ," Luke shouted
Ashton ignored him, "Hey Emma ,"
"Hey Ashton, "
Since Luke and Calum still fought her and Ashton went on a tour of the LA house. Finally Michael joined them . All of them walked and laughed.in the end Michael was giving her a piggy back. When they reached the living room Cal and Luke were done fighting. Calum ran up towards her and hugged her only to be stopped by Luke.
"I said she was mine bro ," Luke said
"And i said if you dont make a move i am ." Calum said
Luke huffed and pushed Calum off.
"You guys need to simmer down, see what i did there " Emma said laughing
"Omfg i love you already! !" Michael shouted
Emma smiled to herself because all of the boys liked her and that meant a lot to her.
The group sat down and began watching a scary movie which Emma was not a fan of. But during the movie Luke Hemmings snuck a hand around Emma and pulled her to his chest , she smiled softly at his actions.
"My beautiful otp ," Calum faked cried
When Luke was dropping off Emma at her house he rambled about how they were going to hang out together tomorrow. Emma felt as if everything was a dream. But just as she was about to go into the house Luke grabbed her hand and pulled her for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Sweet dreams Emmy Love ,"
Emma smiled softly at the 6'4 tall blonde boy but said ," goodnight Lukey ,"

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal