tonight was the night of the date..
was i ready ? truth be told i didn't know
Jake had insisted in coming over to get me ready..that boy had no faith in me
<texts with Luke>
penguin: ready for tonight?
me: of course im just a tiny bit nervous
penguin: why Emmy Love?
me: what if you dont like me?
penguin: Emma, i think we have established that we both like each other haven't we?
me: you're right Luke
penguin: alrighty then i'll pick you up at 7 :)
me: okay
<texts over>
Jake began to curl my hair while talking about if it hasn't for him i'd be loosing my cool...which was true. i felt bad ever since i had begun seeing Luke i had totally ignored hanging out with Jake. i made a note to self to start hanging out with him soon. i also had told Jake to ease it with the makeup the only time i really dramatically wear full makeup is when im doing a dance or something. jake talked about this guy he was seeing while he did my lashes, eyebrows and finishing it off with some chapstick.
time had quickly passed and it was now 6:45 i rushed over to throw on my dress and heels , i turned over to let Jake see his final work. tears began to flow down his cheek.
"Jake, im going to be fine you know its Luke he wont ever hurt me."
"i know Emz its just i haven't seen you this happy over a guy since Blake in our junior year thats all."
i hugged my best friend with pure happiness .. god i was being a sap
"i promise we're hanging out more often Jake." i smiled
he smiled at just as the door rang. Jake ran to open the door reveling no other than Luke himself
i walked over to the door biding Jake goodbye as he closed the door behind Luke and i.
"You're 10 minutes early Hemmings." i joked
"Oops i guess i was a little eager and excited." he laughed
i smiled at the dork in front of me and hugged him. Luke too my hand as we walked to his car. the drive to the mysterious place was filled with a sing along to the cab. i hadn't noticed we had arrived to a beautiful lake. it reminded me of the one in sleeping beauty. i admired it in an awe.
"too much? the boys and my mother and jake helped me plan this ."
"no no Luke its just perfect."
He smiled at me as he opened my door leading me to the grass. Luke went back to the car to pull out a picnic basket. during this time i asked questions of Luke because last time i feel like we focused on me mostly i truly wanted to know more about like what were his favorite things to do before the band formed.
it was getting dark out and Luke wanted to stare up at the stars that seemed to be shinning so bright today. we talked about of views on society and such .
i turned over to the blondie "yes Luke?"
" i might just kiss you."
i smiled " i might just let you ."
in that moment Luke brought his lips to meet mine.
i finally understood what first kiss sparks were.
we pulled away
"i really fucking like you Emma ."
" i really fucking like you to Luke."
except this time i brought my lips to meet his.
thanks for getting this story to 4.5k honestly means the world to me that you guys read and comment and vote .
anyways have a lovely day guys thanks again
also some have mentioned that this is a twitter dms story and dont worry twitter is going to be more involved in the story and whenever they text or communicate its through twitter dms unless its facetime .
Monday ,August 10
Tbh do you guys even like this story anymore i feel as if im failing as a writer im so sorry if my content no longer is well written: (

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal