my Stan heart is back, this is the last chapter of the book and it will tie up all
My life with Luke was perhaps the most fulfilling life I could have experienced. To marry someone that loves you with all their heart form the moment you were 18.I sit here now at age 48, life has been beautiful. I love my life still, everything has been amazing.The boys stopped touring around age 30 , just doing little shows every now and then.I had my first child with Luke, a boy, named Jake of course at age 27. Now we are parents to two boys and they're in college now, probably out at a party as I write the concluding part to my love story to Luke.Being with him has not been easy, but ever since we found each other again, I have found a home.Where even on my worst days there is someone that loves me unconditionally and will not depart me.I have grown with this man, through everything, and sure we fought throughout the years.From the moment we said "I do," we knew we had to be endgame that there was nobody else who I can look to and want them to be my endgame. Our children Jake, and Robert are the brightest boys, I adore them but we let them live their lives and we are here to support and also aid. I am afraid that they already have done that. The boys all live in the same city, so us seeing each other and to grow up with them has been amazing.I think the amount of love I have received from this one person, has been so much that I genuinely cannot thank god for his love and how much better life has gotten being in love with him since I was 21 again. He walks in with a right smile on his face.
"You know with your love , I am a better man."
how can I not be in love with this man. I walk on over towards him and sit on his lap
"You Luke Hemmings, are everything I ever wanted in a life partner, thank you for being on this journey with me and accepting me for who I am.Thank you for ending your dream early to experience our life together.I will always stand by your side and stand for your love, for you have showed me how amazing life is when you go for the love you want."
"Emma Hemmings, still has the nicest ring to it all, you have been everything to me, I mean along with the kids and dogs.But you were everything and are still everything to me.Me waiting for you was possibly the best choice I have ever made, if anything thank you for putting your career aside to join me on tour and live out my dream with me , so of course I was going to stop mine so you could have your dream come true.Creating a family with you is all I ever wanted, and to call you my wife of course."
I look over to his blue eyes and lean in, a kiss, still the best feeling. I look at our house, to the photos of the kids, to our wedding pictures, and back to Luke and think about how lucky I got in life to have his love and be able to grow with him.
the end.
thank you , I know the ending isn't what you guys planned but I am older now and this story was not in my heart anymore, at least not to continue writing.I am starting a new story with Luke, please check it out, it is based off my own life and what I am experiencing so I do not wish anyone to say I am copying for it is all new.Thank you for sticking around. Also that concert yesterday I had not seen the boys for 2 years and it was everything ugh amnesia in the rain fucked me up. From the bottom of this writers heart, thank you for everything my loves.

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal