through out that week neither emma or luke talked to each other. emma ignored luke and his constant calls. yet tonight was Jake's birthday and she invited the whole band to the party along with jake's friends. all of the boys kept texting her to call luke. it wasn't that she had lost any feelings for him. she still liked him very much but whats the point of liking someone who instead of trying to talk to you went out to party every day. thats what luke had done . he had been partying for days now.
luke had done something he couldn't forgive himself for. he knew that emma and him had a thing but at last he had slept with someone at a party. he felt sick for saying he cared about emma when it was obvious that when she found out she was going to be heartbroken. so to forget the horrid thing he went out every night . the boys had no idea what was going on with luke . he felt like shit , he couldn't look at anybody in the eyes. he felt like trash which he knew he was. luke understood he wasn't dating emma but after being a thing for so long basically he did.
emma on the other hand ignored everything by focusing more in college and dance. she had remodeled her twitter account to only being her account , no longer a fan account. luke had noticed this change which you could say crushed him but he knew that the news of him sleeping with someone and not telling emma would crush her lively heart.
calum had invited emma over and so she arrived waiting for calum to come down. what she didn't expect was to see luke. she avoided his look and scrolled through her feed.
luke thought if it was possible she had gotten even more beautiful, meanwhile emma thought luke had just played her.
deep in her heart emma knew that luke must've slept with someone if he couldn't even look at her in the eyes
"Emma im-"
"No Luke you slept with someone-"
"Wait what? How'd you find out?" the pain striking him
"Please Luke i know you to well ."
luke looked down full of shame for what he had done
" In the end i should've known you're Luke Hemmings and i'm just a fan . Of course you were going to find other women more attractive and up to your standards. but what sucks was thinking i had a chance thinking you actually liked me. "
"Emma no dont-"
"Save it Luke i just , its okay you know we weren't ever really dating so i guess we could do as we please but from this day forward i dont want to be in whatever this relationship was im exhausted of you and your lies. it sucks finding out through twitter that you went to go party every night and next day with me . its sick luke and quite frankly i just want a break ."
Emma let her tears fall down as luke tried to hug her
"No don't touch me . Tell Calum we can hangout some other time."
and so Emma walked to her car leaving before Luke could even react to get her
"fuck .." Luke yelled hitting everything , just realizing he had developed love for Emma and he crushed her heart

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal