Emma pov:"Luke?"
i had come to see the boys and by boys i mean Ashton,Calum,and Michael granted as all this time went by i knew that one day i was going to come across Luke.
he looked different he looked destroyed. the bags under his eyes were noted . his amazing crystal blue eyes were gone replaced by these dull blue eyes with no amazement at all.
"How's college?"
of course , it was clear we werent going to talk about other things he chose something safe to talk about
"great i changed from undeclared to psychology with a minor in literature. Dance is still there a little less since i joined other things but i still am very involved . How's tour?"
his eyes were so focused on me as if he expected me to be worse to be crying at the sight of him or wanting to yell at him.
but i remember everything
the taste of his tongue the way his lips attached to mine
i didnt want to say goodbye to him and all of our memories but i had to because otherwise I'd be upset
"its great you know meeting the fans is always my main goal , seeing them happy allows me to have something to look forward to."
i was about to respond when Calum walked in
he ran towards me as i clung onto him so i wouldnt fall
"How are you Cal-Pal??"
"You're seriously are never going to let that go are you like god damn what does a man have to do around here to get a more manly nickname??" he yelled
"You know i say it out of the kindest of my frozen heart"
"pish posh" he waves me off
Michael comes in complaining about the lack of food which reminded me of the reason i was here , i promised the boys once i was good again we would all go to a club.
i spent to many nights burning under the city lights scared to put myself out there i refuse to waste the night as i had done before
We were all ready to go but in my heart i knew we couldnt leave Luke it wouldn't be right.
"hey Luke?"
"umm yea?"
"Why dont you join us?"
"Well i wouldn't want to waste another nights let me just change?"
i nodded as he happily went to his room to change
"Emma are you sure i love Luke with all my heart but if its too soon for you-"
"Ashton im fine im good"
"he doesnt know about Jake right that you guys have been dating for so long and that you are going on vacation with him?"
we didnt even have time to talk about it because Luke had appeared smiling actually.
Luke pov:
drinks had passes by but Emma she was still dancing as if tomorrow wouldn't come
"come on Luke dance!"
there wasn't a single bone in my body that didnt want to say no
so i went out and danced with her and the guys
hours had gone by and drinks had too
by now everyone was full on drunk as well as me
i looked at Emma and she was full of light dancing along to every song being played
i just couldnt help myself from crashing my lips onto hers
for a moment we were together again
but soon it was broken
"luke im dating someone you have to start understanding that i moved on."
"why cant i ? why am i still in love with you?"
she looked down "I think you're in love with what we had before but you have to move on Luke this isn't healthy ."
"So you're going to tell me you dont feel anything anymore?"
she didnt respond to me
"like when i grabbed you from behind "
i connected our hands
"or how my lips meant your neck,"
i told tell she was forgetting about everything adn she was enjoying be here with me
"NO STOP! Im with Jake and im happy. We had something it was great but you crushed it and Jake doesnt deserve me cheating on him. He's a great guy who fully loves me and cares for my well being and Luke i care for you and you're not healthy. you need to move on and forget about our love because it doesnt exist anymore. We together dont exist anymore and until you can understand that i cant even be friends with you."
"I just really love you ."
"No luke you're just sorry and you feel guilty just say sorry all your feelings will go away."
"im sorry Emma for everything ."
"i forgive you Luke." and she walked away
it was odd like a sudden weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
it was true i missed Emma and i felt guilty for messing her up. but i will get her back one way or another i will get it through her head that she belongs with me. i won't come between her and Jake but i will spend every moment as friends reminding her of why she first fell for me besides the fact that she already had a crush on me .
Btw thanks for everyone reading this sorry I don't update as much also yes Dylan O'Brien is playing the role of Jake

Twitter Dms l.h .
Fanfiction(@luke5sos is now following you !) who knew being a fan of a band allowed you to meet your baby daddy, husband, best friend ... the package deal