🍎Chapter 2: Hello there, Angel~🍎

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Y/n walked beside his little sister while she gave him a tour, they talked after so long, laughing together and such. Nifty was behind the prince holding up the trail of his royal cape, so it would not get dirty.

Y/n: "You seem to be doing well off here, Charlotte." He said "impressed" with a smile while she hugged his right arm happily.

Charlie: "N/n, I told you call me, Charlie geez." She said sighing til Y/n patted her head lightly then hugged her.

Y/n: "I know, I know, it's a habit tho my little apple blossom." He said while sitting down on a old couch before looking at his watch seeing the time. "Look at that, I must be going." He said til he sees Charlie pouting up at him with puppy eyes. "Oh no, no, no. Don't give me that face little blossom." He said seriously as he looked aside to not be swayed.

Charlie: "Ah, come on please! Just stay a bit longer." She whined as she sat down beside him. "I know your work keeps you busy a lot but you barely get out of your castle." She said honestly as Y/n sighed softly.

Y/n: "Charlie, you know that being an heir to all of hell either first or second is a challenging task. Your still so young, my sweet little apple blossom." He said while he ran his fingers throughout his h/c hair. "The meetings, dealings, summoning, fighting, and it all. Yes, it gets mundane after so long but it's my job." He explained while about to stand up til a double set of hands landed on his neck and shoulders then pulled him back onto the couch. "What in my father's name?" He began to snarl angrily while Charlie backed away knowing her older brother hated physical contact without his permission.

Angel Dust: "Aw, ya leavin' already big guy?" He questioned before slipping onto Y/n's lap wearing a glamorous dress, makeup and styled wig. "Without seein' your sweetie cakes?~" He teased while leaning his fluff against the prince seductively.

Y/n looked down at the albino spider demon, one he knew well. Every time the first born heir had meetings with the Triple V's, Valentino would have his best whores entertaining the prince which was always Angel Dust himself or one of the higher ends. During the time of service the prince would always treat the spider with more respect and decorum than Valentino ever did to any of his workers. The gals all loved it when the prince arrived to the porn studios, he'd give them luxurious gifts, sweets and attention compared to Valentino's abuse, temperamental mood swings and addictive drugs.

Y/n: "Ah, Angel I heard you were helping my sister out with her project here." He said while smiling lightly down at the demon in drag. "I saw you on the news weeks ago, naughty boy. Fighting in a turf war when your suppose to go 'clean' for your treatment." He said while Angel wrapped all of his arms around the prince from resting on his chest, against the back of his neck and holding his waist.

Angel Dust: "Yeah, it's gets me a break from being with daddy V. But I miss seein' ya..." He said before leaning against the prince to whisper in his ear. "...and serving your incubus desires in private.~" Y/n's eyes flashed blood red with yellow pupils as his incubus horns appear from his head growling deeply.

Y/n: He smirked mischievously before laughing deeply when he stopped growling. "Easy there, Angel besides don't start something like this here." He said while carefully moving Angel Dust off of his lap and onto the couch before standing up and fixed his clothes of creases. "Now, I must be going. Charlie, I'll call you if I come over again and if you need to talk about anything do not hesitate to call me." He said while fixing his shirt cuffs as he looked over at Alastor and Husker to nod slowly towards them. "Gentlemen, take care of this place." He said while walking over towards the double doors with Nifty holding up the trail of it again til he was near his limo. He kneeled down to talk to the tiny cyclops woman. "Great work, my dear on restoring this old family building of the royal line." He said as he gave Nifty a long gift wrapped parcel. "For all your hard work, Nifty also Alastor's and Husker's rewards are in their rooms here already til I return be good." He whispered softly then got into his limousine and drove off.

Nifty walked back into the hotel with the parcel excitely and opened in the lobby to see a giant needle engraved with melted down holy angel blade metal in swirls. She squealed out happily as she hugged the weapon happily as it shrinked down to a simple sewing needle for easy carrying.

In Y/n's Limousine

He took a deep breath before exhaling out a heavy red smoke from his lungs outside of his limousine once the vehicle had left the hotels area. The smoke once inhaled by demonic couples made them go nuts and began breeding in public for all to see.

Y/n: "Damned incubus instincts, Jackson get me back to the castle. I need to make a private call to Valentino and then my uncle Asmodeus." He said seriously as his eyes glowed dangerously in lust.

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