🍎Antichrist Arc🍎

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Red pupils glow within yellow corneas while the figure watches their younger sister making a fool of herself amongst their kingdom and all of the seven rings.

The figure sighed deeply as they walked back into their building and through the halls filled with portraits involving the main royal family, the ultimate leaders, the Morningstar family.

The figure stops at a newly made portrait holding the main heir to hell's unholy throne standing beside their younger sister. Both wore regal attire, but the main wore a crown of twisted blackened thorns lined with snakes and an apple red shaped jewel in the center, a purple fur lined shoulder cape, and in their hands was a glowing sword holding a sinister grin on their face thus revealing their dagger like fang teeth.

The figure hummed before walking to the lower level of their building and threw the double doors open, then stepped outside as their Italian leather shoes snapped a lone bone in two thus making everyone on the street look over towards the building was actually a Gothic Stone manison with high iron work gates surrounding it.

The figure stepped out into the reddish sky to reveal themselves as the very first prince of Hell himself, the son of Lucifer & Lilith Morningstar, older brother of princess Charlotte or Charlie Morningstar, and next ruler of all Hell; Y/n Morningstar. His outfit was a dark suit with a red silk tie, his suit jacket was trimmed ironically in white

Y/n: So many stories the demons will tell
I'll always be torturing them all
But judgment comes down at the ring of a bell
I feel like a prince in Hell

Y/n: When I was born, I was sworn to lead a war, so forlorn in design
To all of the lords of the snort and the whores doing porn, you're in for a surprise
Oh-woah, oh-woah
Getting ready for the rapture war
I wanna concede and give in to my inner demon again
That's the point of this rage filled arc
Listen to my commands

Y/n: Bring them all from ash and stone
Break the laws and torture the soul
Reveal the flaws and crack the holy code
An opportunity unfolds
Hear the call, get back on the road
As we walk on paths untold
Reveal the flaws and crack the holy code
An opportunity unfolds

Y/n: My deals unfolds
Reveal the flaws and crack the holy code
An opportunity for you all unfolds
An opportunity for you all unfolds

Y/n: Breaking and burning, I learned to accept my innermost self
Enduring my duty
Once in control, it's my turn to decide
The fate of the rest of their lives

Y/n: When I was born I was sworn to lead a war so forlorn in design
But now all the torture and torment we bore will be over for glory to shine
Oh-woah, oh-woah
Be the beacon that defeats the holy light
You all have to concede and give in to your inner demons again
Come and destroy the holy light on the day the rapture battle begins
Listen to my commands

Y/n: Bring them all from ash and stone
Break the laws and torture the soul
Reveal the flaws and crack the holy code
An opportunity for you all unfolds
Hear the call, get back on the road
As we walk on paths untold
Reveal the flaws and crack the holy  code
An opportunity unfolds

Y/n: An opportunity unfolds
Hear the call, get back on road
As we walk on paths untold
Reveal the flaws and crack the code
An opportunity unfolds

Y/n: But for now judgment comes down at the ring of a bell
I feel like a prince in Hell

The prince sighs deeply as he watched the angels come down from heaven to murder the denizens of Hell smirking evilly until his sister's words echoed in his mind.

Y/n: "What am I doing?" He questioned while watching fresh blood coating the floor below, then his ears perked up at a familiar scream. "CHARLIE?!" He exclaimed out as his eyes narrowed to see Adam wounding his little sister before revealing his six black and white ombre archangel wings. "ADAM!!!!" He roared out against the sky as all below and above froze up at his roar to look up against the red pentagram in the sky to see the crowned prince with his wings out and flapping alongside his horns revealed with his more devilish and demonic features clashed against his angelic looks. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BASTARD!!!"

((IT'S COMING!!!!!))

🍎Prince Of Hell: Y/n Morningstar🍎Where stories live. Discover now