New Beginning

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Hope's P.O.V
Deanna showed me around and she introduced me to Aaron. He talked to me about this place and he showed me where I live. Yep, I have my own house. It's small but i don't mind. Who else is gonna live with me? I'm alone from now on.

Now i look around the house. I get upstairs and see the bathroom. I guess it's time for me to shower. I remove my clothes and get in the shower. The water falls on my head and slides to the ground along with dirt and blood. When I'm done, I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I walk in my room and I open the closet. Surprisingly, there are clothes that fit me. I wear a red t-shirt and blue jeans. I dry my hair and brush them.

I have nothing else to do so I take a walk to meet other people. Actually it's more like walking and observing the people than meeting them. I keep walking and then I notice two boys looking at me and talking with each other. I turn my gaze to a tree as I put my hair behind my ear. I start walking towards the tree but then I hear a voice behind me.

??? : Hi. Are you new here?

I turn and I see the one of the two boys coming slowly towards me. He has brown hair and eyes and he's a bit taller than I am. The other boy has black hair and a bit shorter.

Hope: Um.. Yeah. I came earlier today.

??? : Well I'm Ron.

He moves his hand towards me so I can shake it.

Ron: And this is Mikey.

He points the boy behind him and he waves at me. I smile at both of them while nodding.

Mikey: And you are?

Should I say Tribrid? That would be fun. But no. I said no powers.

Ron: You okay?

He says as he takes me out of my thoughts. I look at him and widen my eyes.

Hope: I'm Hope.

Ron: Nice to meet you Hope.

We smile at each other.

Hope: So you guys, how long have you been here?

Ron: Years.

Mikey nods in agreement.

Hope: Wow. And what do you do to spend your time?

Ron: We play video games or pool table.

Hope: Don't you kill any walkers?

Mikey: No, all the weapons are at the armory and they won't let us take them.

Ron: How long were you out there?

Hope: Years.

Ron: Were you in a group or alone?

Hope: Alone. I'm a lone wolf.

Mikey: Well that changes now right?

Hope: Yeah, and I guess it changes for the best. I don't know for how much longer I would survive out there.

Funny. Very funny. Survival for someone like me is a joke.

Ron : Hey, wanna go at my house and hang out.

Hope: Sure.

We walk to his house. It's a white big one with and orange door. We walk in and I see a woman and a little boy in the kitchen.

Ron: Hey mom, Sam.

They both look at me and smile.

Sam: Who's that?

He says in excitement.

Ron: That's Hope. She arrived earlier today. Hope, this is Sam my brother and my mom, Jessie.

I smile at them and the woman walks towards me.

Jessie: Nice to meet you Hope.

She shakes my hand and smiles.

Jessie: If you need anything I'm here, okay?

I nod with a smile.

Ron: Cmon guys, let's go upstairs.

Sam: Can I come too?

Ron: Okay come.

We all walk upstairs and I sit on a bed with Sam.

Sam: So, where are you from?

Hope: Not far from here. You can take a car and go there in one hour.

Sam: And why aren't you there?

Hope: Because it's destroyed. But one day I might go back. Because you know what?

He shakes his head.

Hope: That's my home.

He widens his eyes like I told him something extraordinary.

Sam: And how is it out there? Dangerous? What about the monsters? Did they try to kill you? Did they kill any of your friends, family? Have you killed any of them? Have you killed lots of them? And if you have, how?

Ron: Okay, get out! Enough with the questions.

I smile as Sam gets out frustrated. When the boys turn to the video games, I secretly walk out the door and see Sam in the hallway. He looks at me with a smile. He opens his mouth to say something but i cut him off.

Hope: Yes it was dangerous, there were lots of monsters, they did try to kill me, no they did not kill any of my friends or family because I was already alone before the apocalypse and I killed lots of them with knives but some guys took my weapons except one, few hours before I got here. Did I cover you?

He smiles and nods.

Hope: Good. Now go.

He turns around and leaves, I get back in the room.

Ron: Where were you?

Hope: Bathroom.

I look outside the window and see that the sun is going down.

Hope: I should probably get going. It's almost nightime.

Ron: Okay, see you tomorrow.

Mikey: Bye

Hope: See you guys.

I walk out the room and after say bye to Jessie I leave for my house. I get in and wander around. I open a drawer and my face lights up when I see an old MP3 and headphones. I grab them and put them on my head.

I lay on my bed as the music plays and close my eyes with the feeling that tomorrow it will be different. Something will happen and will change my life forever.

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