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Hope's P.O.V
We walk in the streets of Alexandria and we hear some commotion going on. We walk towards the source and we see Rick fighting with a walker. Carl walks towards him and kills the walker with his knife as I follow behind. Rick looks at us and nods meaning "Thank you".

Rick : These people think they are safe behind these walls, I say we tell them otherwise.

He grabs the walker and we all walk towards the meeting. When they see us they widen their eyes. Rick starts giving a speech that I don't listen to because my hearing focuses on something else.

Footsteps. Angry footsteps coming towards this place. I focus more on the footsteps that now stand behind me. I turn around and see Pete with a sword on his hands. He's saying everything is Rick's fault and then Reg stands in front of him.

Regi: Pete, put the sword down.

Then everything happens so fast. The sword moving, slashing Regi's throat, Regi falling in the hands of Deanna, people immobilizing Pete on the ground and then the two words that come out of Deanna's mouth right before the loud sound of a pulled trigger.

I cover my ears since my hearing was focused on the shooting and shut my eyes for a while. I look up and see Pete's dead body and Rick holding the lethal weapon. Then my eyes move to the right and I see Ron standing behind, looking in shock and then leaving in a rush.

I run after him, only to find him not a while later, sitting under a tree. I sit next to him, not saying a word but then when I look at him, I know exactly what he needs. Exactly what I needed too when my parents died. So I wrap my arms around him and pull him in a tight hug. But then I say something that makes him push me back.

Hope: I know exactly how you feel...

Then my elbows find the ground and he looks at me angry.

Ron: You know nothing.

Hope: You think you know me? Well guess what, you don't. I was responsible for everything shitty that happened in my life, so don't tell me I know nothing!

He looks at me in regret and lays his head on the tree behind him.

Ron:What is death?

A moment of silence.

Hope : Well, I'll tell you what I know about death... Death dances silently in everyone's shadow and she doesn't give a damn. So why give a damn about her? 

He looks at me in curiosity and then keeps looking at the sky.

Hope: I'm sorry for what happened to your dad but you have to understand, what he did to Jessie, you, Sam...

Ron: Now you think you know me.

He says right before he gets up and walks back to his house. I get up and walk to my house too. On my way there, I suddenly get overwhelmed with anger. I don't know why, it just happens. What's wrong with me? Maybe Ron's behavior, made me angry.

I start walking faster and faster until I find myself running with maximum speed. And I like it. My legs are free and my body starts loosen up. I smile until I end up in front of a house.

Not knowing which, not knowing why. In the dark it's not easy to see clear. But for some reason I stopped here. So I walk up to the porch and look at the door. But then I feel something else. My head hurts and I put my hands on it. And then this voice.

?? :Hope?

I turn and see Carl sitting on a rocking chair with Judith in his arms.

Carl: What are you doing here?

Hope: I have no idea.

I mumble the words while trying to fight the pain.

Carl: You ok?

He says as he walks towards me.

Hope: Yes... Now stay away from me.

Carl: Yeah um... You don't say your OK and then tell the people around you to stay back. Now tell me what's wrong?

Hope:There's this... feeling, i don't know... Coming once in a while like my wolf side wants to come out.

Carl: And?

Hope: I don't want to! I'm supposed to move on! But how can I when I can't let myself?

Carl:Well I guess, you want to shut off your supernatural side but she doesn't want to.

Hope: Oh, so my supernatural side has a mind and thinks. Do you hear yourself?

He rolls his eyes.

Carl: I mean, it's in your nature. You can't fight yourself.

Hope: You have a point... But still... Wait, when did you become an expert in these stuff?

Carl: It's just how nature works. Plus, i found a book with mythological creatures in the library.

I smile, but the anger gets sharper so I take a deep breath. I close my eyes for a while but then they turn yellow.

Hope : I have to go.

I say as I turn around, but Carl's hand stops me from leaving. I can hear him placing down Judith on a chair beside him and then his free hand moving my hair from my face.

Carl: your eyes.

I move my head no.

Hope: You'll get scared.

Carl: Only one way to find out, right?

I take a deep breath and then I open my yellow eyes, meeting his ocean blue ones. My look shows my hesitance but I feel a calmness when I hear his soft voice.

Carl: You look beautiful.

I smile and then my eyes turn back to their green color, and my anger, calming down. There's a moment of silence but then it's broken from Judith's baby sounds. We both look at her and Carl takes her in his arms.

Carl:I have to put her to sleep.

Hope: And I... Have to go back home

I turn around, walking down the stairs but I stop and look at Carl entering his house, while a smile is painted on my face.

Now what the hell happened? He called me beautiful? No, this can't be happening. We're from different dimensions and I'm supposed to love Landon.

But what if Landon has forgotten me and moved on? Ugh.. The stupid voices in my head. And what about my friends? I can't forget them just like that. No, I'm not forgetting them. Like I said before, I'm just moving on. Besides they have already forgotten me. And if i ever get back, who knows what will take to remember me? What if they never remember me? Plus, think about the great side of people not knowing my family. No one knows my dad is Klaus Mikaelson so they're not afraid of me.

Wait, what about Malivore? I'm the one that's supposed to kill him. No, it's fine. They'll figure this out. After my parent's death, I was always looking for a getaway and now I have it. I can't just leave like this. Stop it voice! You make a very good point and I can't fight back! I'm just gonna keep the chance of getting back, in the back of my mind, just in case.

Now, that we've cleared things up, let's go to sleep cause tomorrow it's gonna be a new day filled with new decisions. I guess...

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