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Hope's P.O.V
Me and Carl walk in the streets of Alexandria, talking. But then, suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my head. I stop and Carl looks at me. My hands move to my head and I squeeze my eyes and teeth. My eyes turn yellow and a noise is heard from outside the walls. The tower falls on the gate and the gate falls as well. The walkers that had surrounded Alexandria after the wolf attack, now enter our community. My eyes turn back to green.

Hope: Run.

Me and Carl blend our hands in order not to lose each other and we start running along with everyone else. People running towards every direction, not knowing what to do.

Some of them have climbed up on a tower. Others run towards their houses and others are eaten alive. Suddenly someone pushes me on the ground, in result hitting my head and letting go of Carl's hand. I try to get up but it's hard when everyone around you runs in total panic.

I finally manage to get up but I have lost Carl. I see him nowhere. I start running and then I see Jessie.

Jessie: Hope! Cmon!

I run towards her and she leads me in her house. I look towards the stairs and there i see Sam. He looks scared.

The door opens and then everyone walks in. Rick, Deanna, Michonne, Ron, Jessie, Gabriel and Carl. I smile as I see they are all safe and when Carl sees me, he hugs me. I look behind Carl where Ron stands and watches us from afar with a cold look. I don't know. I have a bad feeling about him.

We hear a baby crying and then Rick runs towards the source. I look towards Jessie who is trying to calm down a teriffied Sam. Then Sam walks to his room and I follow behind. I open the door and see him turning up the volume of the music.

Hope: Sam.

He doesn't notice me.

Hope: Sam!

He turns to look at me.

Hope: Turn off the music.

Sam: No, it keeps the monster sounds away.

Hope :Listen to me. They love music. Music brings them towards here. Do you want them outside your window?

He moves his head no.

Hope:Then turn, off, the music.

Then the music stops and looks at me.

Hope: If you don't find a way to deal with these things then you won't survive.

Sam: But they're terrifying monsters.

Hope : You know what? There is something in this house more terrifying than the monsters out there.

Sam: What is that?

Then I flash my eyes yellow making him back up.

Sam: Y-your eyes

Hope: I know. I'm something worse than these things. But you know what? I'm not a monster. Monster is not what it looks scary. Monster is the person who does terrible things. I may look like a monster but I try to keep everyone safe around me. And when we're out there, cause I know we are going to get out there, I'll do my best to prove it to you and everyone else.

He nods and I walk outside of his room and in the living room. There I find everyone except Deanna. I turn to Carl and move my head asking him what is going on. He pulls me away from the others.

Carl : Deanna's been bit. She won't make it.

I widen my eyes. Carl looks towards another room.

Carl: Be right back.

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