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Hope's P.O.V
After I drink some blood and rest on a tree, I head back to Alexandria. When I get to Carl's house I see that Olivia is there. I walk to Carl and nudge him.

Hope: Hey what's up?

Carl: Hey, Olivia brought us some soup.

Hope: Soup? Really?

Carl: Don't ask why. I came here and I found her here.

Olivia: Hey Hope. You should try some of my soup too.

She says as she walks towards the exit.

Hope: I will, thanks.

The door closes and Rick turns to us.

Rick: Everything is ready for the attack. We move with sunrise.

Hope: Got it.

Rick walks upstairs and I sit with Carl in the kitchen.

Hope: What smells so good?

Carl: That, would be Olivia's soup.

Hope : Ow, now you whet my appetite...

Carl: Yeah, me too.

We grab two bowls and we put soup in them. We sit across from each other and I look at my soup.

Hope: What are the chances of Olivia poisoning us?

Carl: Cmon, she wouldn't do that. She's very kind.

Hope: Yeah, you're right.

I eat some and then more and more. The door opens and Olivia walks in.

Olivia:Hey Carl, Rick told me to bring you guys this.

She says while holding a bag.

Olivia: I'll leave it here.

She places the bag on the couch and turns to look at us.

Olivia:Oh you're eating my soup. Do you like it?

Hope: It's delicious.

Olivia :Thank you. I didn't know it would be that good. I mean, I liked it, but I didn't know about others. It's the first time I take herbs from the forest and put them in the soup. Of course, I read a book for the herbs I can use. I think the herbs that made the difference where the purple and the white flower. They were very tasty. But I don't remember their name.

Carl: You put flowers in the soup?

While they are talking I get up to place my bowl in the sink.

Olivia :Well, they weren't exactly flowers. Wait, I think I have some on me.

I stand next to Carl while Olivia is taking out of her pocket the two herbs she was talking about.

Olivia: Here they are.

I widen my eyes when I look at them and back up a little.

Hope: You put that in the soup?

She nods.

Hope: And I ate two bowls of soup?

Carl: Yeah.

Hope: Oh no.

Carl: What is it?

Hope:Th- the herbs, you put in the soup? Yeah, they're poisonous.

Olivia : No, I checked them. I also ate them and I'm still here.

Hope: They're not poisonous for you, but for me!

Olivia :Oh my God. How are you feeling?

Hope: I don't know! Yet! Okay okay, I have to relax. Freaking out won't get me anywhere.

I take a deep breath but then I feel a sharp pain in my head.

Hope: Aah, those stupid nature rules.

Carl: What are you talking about?

Hope: There's always a loophole. Wherever I go, there must be something to slow me down.

Olivia: Oh my God, Hope, I didn't know. I swear.

Hope: It's OK. Let's just wish that it won't affect me that much. But on the other side, I just ate both vervain and wolfsbane.

I say as I cover my face with my hands. The pain gets sharper and sharper. I feel the burning in my veins running to my heart. I let a painful scream as i keep looking at my hands.

Carl comes and stands in front of me. He grabs my hands and he looks at me in the eyes. His hands move up to my face, cupping it.

Carl: You'll be fine, OK? You can fight it.

Tears start falling down my face and I can feel them burn. I take a deep breath and the pain stops. I nod and Carl's hands move back to mine.

Hope: I'm fine...

Olivia:Oh thank God.

My breathing is still hard and I keep taking deep breaths to stabilize myself.

Olivia:Sorry, again. Let me just take that.

She takes the soup and walks out the door with Carl escorting her out. I sit on a chair with my hands on my knees. Carl comes back and he stands in front of me. He lowers on my level and looks at me.

Carl: How are you feeling?

Hope: I don't know.

I say as I move my head.

Carl: You should better lie down.

I nod and get up. But when I get up I start coughing. I put my hand on my chest while I feel the cough choking me. Everything gets blurry. My hand moves to my mouth. I cough one more time and blood appears in my hand with some of my poison. I look at it. My eyes turn to Carl's right before I faint in his arms.

Hiiii!!! Sorry for taking this long to publish, but i was sooo busy lately. 😩
Exams are starting in a while and I have to study, so I don't think I'll be publishing any time soon. I'll try to post once a month but I have to watch the episodes at the same time so I don't know how I'm gonna fit it between my studies. I juts wish all of this to end....

Well, glad to talk to you again and I hope you're having a great time! Til next time!🥰

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