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It's been about an hour since I've separated from the group once again, it has also been about an hour since I saw nayeon die.

I've been roaming around the school grounds since it was the last thing that I could do in the end.

my hearing has also been getting a lot more intensified which hurt, I tried stopping around the infirmary for something to put in my ears and I was able to find some earplugs.

I wasn't very surprised at the appearance of the place, blood was everywhere on the walls, the floors and there has also been numerous body parts scattered around the place.

maybe I should go outside, everything is the same here. and so I went out, I stepped my foot out seeing zombies running around.

not surprising that it isn't a lot different outside.

I continued to roam around the school grounds, only watching the sight before my eyes.

"ohhh this is so sexy." huh?

I heard someone speaking, I could hear multiple voices. hearing the voices I decided to follow only to find out they were coming from the gym where the archery team practices most of the time.

I eyed the gym, it seemed like the front door was locked from the inside so I decided to go through the back door.

it was hard opening it, but I was able to go in through there. I walked inside the gym to see shocked seniors that were now staring at me.

"what the fuck?" one asked, I scanned them from head to toe seeing as they were now holding their weapons incase I try and attack them.

I could recognize hari, she's woojins older sister but I couldn't really match names to the others.

"hey?" I said, "you can lower your weapons, I'm not gonna do any harm." I continued trying to make them believe me.

"who are you? how did you get in?" hari asked aiming her bow and arrows at me.

I nodded my head "my name is seulgi and I somehow got in through the back door as you saw." I explained myself.

"I heard- I mean.." I looked down "I saw the light so I thought that there might be more survivors!" they could only stare at me and still they kept on aiming their weapons. this is making me kinda nervous.

"can you please lower your weapons? it's making me nervous." I said looking down once again, I thought for a moment. they weren't speaking but they definitely exchanged a few looks between each other.

I finally had an idea that could ease the tension "I am in class with your brother! and I know that he's okay." I pointed to hari.

the mention of her brother made her lower her weapon. she eyed me up and down, I could feel she didn't really trust me.

"okay, stay here." she gave me a slight glare while a girl that was standing next to her whined "we don't know her! she was outside." she sighed "and she also could be infected!"

"well if I was infected I would have already killed you?" I tried reasoning somehow as the girl only rolled her eyes "but-"

"leave it be, she's gonna stay." hari interrupted "if she turns or tries to kill us then we have our weapons."

I nodded and smiled sweetly at that. thank god.

we stayed in the gym for a few more hours before it was dark, I've found out that the other seniors names were mijin, minjae and joonsung.

they've told me about how they survived and that hari was searching for woojin and that it might be why she let me stay.

I also told them about my journey, minus the part where the zombies actually bit me. if they find out now then they'll most likely kill me.

well, it wasn't long enough before we started hearing a helicopter coming by. it distracted most of the zombies and I'm not gonna lie, my ears hurt when the helicopter flew close by due to my intesified hearing.

but it wasn't anything bad since it flew mostly to the main school building.

"we should go." hari said, the three seniors were watching from a window while I stayed with joonsung that couldn't walk up.

they turned to us, "what about him?" minjae asked pointing to the poor boy, "we will bring him with us, just strap him up properly." the others only nodded as everyone went to prepare everything.

soon we went outside, there were no zombies in sight and we could see the helicopter super close to the rooftop. my classmates are there.

"do you think we'll make it?" mijin asked, "if we go fast then we might." I answered while hari nodded.

of course we knew it'll be hard for mijin and minjae since they were pushing joonsung, so we decided that we'll switch a few times.

I watched the school building, I guess it's to far.

"maybe we should try this rooftop instead?" mijin said and in the end we agreed cause that was most likely the best solution. "let's go then!" the girl was about to go the wrong way but hari stopped her making all of us turn to go the right way to the back.

the zombies were too distracted by the sound of the helicopter so we were glad, we most likely shouldn't have thought that.

because soon the helicopter started leaving, both hari and mijin screamed and waved at it for help.

but it only made my hide my ears with the palm of my hands, it felt like my ears were going to explode any minute from the loud sound.

minjae could only turn to look at me before the senior girls started running back to us "the zombies! we need to go quickly!"

we looked around, contemplating where to hide, choosing to hide just around the corner where the wall was with the styrofoam targets over our heads.

we didn't hide for long and it soon even started to rain.

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